Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A post a day... Let's give this a whirl

Been a while... blah blah... long time... stuff's happened... been busy... K's growing fast... yada yada.

My trouble with blogging is I feel like I have to tell you a bunch of stuff and I don't seem to have enough hours in the week or brain cells at the end of the day (or week) to tell you.

So... I had a friend give me an idea that I'm going to try.  *Try* friends & family is the operative word here so work with me. :) Here's where you say... Do tell Darlene... What is this thing you're going to try?

A photo a day... Of K, of us, of something that happened, we did... whatever.  Just a photo a day.  With caption.  No caption.  long story. no story.  Whatever strikes the moment or I have time for.  :) I'd say how hard could it be but... I'd rather not ask such a silly question and get an answer I don't want.

So here goes. April 16, 2014. Bonus: two photos!

Today was Gymnastics night.  They call this a dismount something something.
The net was K was upside down on a balance beam... kind of. Go KK!!!! 
Bonus Photo: Humor for the Kindergarten class. do you think they'll get it?
doesn't matter. I was quite amused with myself. :) 
As an aside I do want to commemorate that this is the 3rd anniversary since Tornado Tom, yeah, I named it today, came swirling down Serendipity.  Time to remember the many blessings around us and cherish the friends and family that supported us through those weeks/months following.  Much love to you!! You know who you are!! xo

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