Thursday, May 8, 2014

May 8, 2014: Crying because she CAN have ice cream!

We start the day with popsicle tears.

We end the day with ice cream tears. 

*Imagine the Lion King song... circle of life - you know the one...* 

It's the circle of tears. 

Welcome to our world. 

This morning she cried because we plan to pick her up in carpool.  She usually wants us to pick her up at carpool on Friday.  Begs for us to pick her up at carpool.  Tomorrow she would prefer to go to after-care because they're going to have popsicles. And she'll miss it if she is picked up in carpool.

So she cried. 

Big crocodile tears. 

"I neeeeevvveeerrrr get to stay to have popsicles." 

Mind you - we're picking her up at carpool so tomorrow night we can take her to the beach for the weekend.  I know what you're thinking.  We're horrible parents.  Terrible. How dare we take her to the beach for the weekend? She'll surely have no fun.  

After school she tells me that her table in school has been the best behaved this week.  They have "the most rocks".  Rocks are the class measurement to determine who's behaved the best during the week. The table that behaves the best gets... 

wait for it... 


I breathe a sigh of relief. She'll get a blessed popsicle.  

She tells me she really wanted to have two.


We get home and she's playing outside.  She hears (probably 16 neighborhoods away) the ice cream truck music.  I swear to you, I thought someone had been hit by a car for the amount of screaming and HURRY HURRY HURRY MOMMMMMMMY coming from downstairs.  I run, nearly tripping over myself, to get downstairs yelling back WHATSAMATTA??????

She responds: I need money for the ice cream truck!!! I hear music!!!

No one was hit by a car.  Thank Gawd.  

But there's a money emergency.

I find Stephen's wallet ... (that's the appropriate thing to do in this situation, right?!) and get her a few dollars.  I haven't been to an ice cream truck in years so I expect inflation has hit.

I give her the money and tell her she has to hold it until he gets to our street.  Or hell... at this point, our town.  I don't hear a thing.  

So she waits.

And waits.


No truck.  

Meanwhile her friends are quite displeased that they can't have ice cream.  Because I'm MOTY I tell her that the ice cream is dinner: Choose wisely.  

Stephen overhears them saying, "it's not fair, Katherine gets everything." Oh no.  Here we go.

So... the truck never shows up.

She cries because her friends have now disowned her because she got money for ice cream and they didn't.  I remind you... the>truck>never>came!!!

And I'm the bad guy because I "just don't understand"... Did she really just tell me that? At five? I thought I had what seemed like a perfectly logical discussion with her. I.was.wrong. 

Life is terrible.

Circle of Tears.

Tomorrow IS Friday.


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