Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 29, 2014: Hate on the Book Fair

I dislike the book fair.

I like the book fair in concept.  And I like the book fair for the opportunity to look at new books.

I dislike the process that the kids are asked to pick their top three books.  Three things seem reasonable. And maybe for most kids, it is. But it isn't for mine.

Remember the $10 budget? This would well accommodate the two books that Katherine had shown us that she wanted from the little flyer. Then she gets to the book fair and can't find three books that she wants but she feels like she has to pick three things because everyone else is.  So she picks out a jewelry making kit.  Let me repeat.  A jewelry making kit. At the book fair. For $15. Needless to say this blew her budget out of the water.  Which led to tears and me being told how mean of a mother I am. "None of the other kids had a budget!!! Everyone is going to make fun of me!!" Super. I'm the mean mother who will cause her child to be made fun of.

And this is where I jump the shark. Because I take the book fair and my insistence that she be on a budget, not succumb to peer pressure and jump right to ... OMG she's going to be peer pressured into drugs. I must maintain my position and not be pressured into buying more books. Or the jewelry making kit.  No siree, because if I do she's going to end up on crack.

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