Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolutions?

Nope. Not for this girl. I'm not a fan of them. It just seems like you're set up for failure.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for personal goals. I just don't think they need to come in the form of 'resolutions'. Goals can be shorter in duration and iterative. Resolutions give a whole year to try to figure out whether you're going to succeed or not. And then you find yourself in October saying oh crap... I haven't done that yet. Then, more than likely, you think - well, it's too late now - so you don't do it.

So I've decided to start the year with a small # of goals for the first quarter of 2012.
  • I'd like to complete 200 miles of exercise. (biking and running)
  • I'd like to lose 8 of the pounds that I found during 2011. 
  • At least once a month I'd like to have a pajama party with my family.
  • At least once during the quarter I'd like to have a date night with my guy.
  • At least one weekend a month I'd like to target one day where we have nothing scheduled. Nothing except family fun time. =)
A couple of personal (health) goals mixed in with some family goals. Family & health will be my focus in 2012. 

If you choose to make some resolutions this year I wish you much luck in achieving them! 

Happy New Year! =)


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