Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2008 NC State Fair

Tonight we took Katherine to her first state fair. How exciting!!! The state fair is a combination of food that will take (easily) 5-10 years off your life expectancy and pretty awesome people watching. Typically we avoid the really interesting people watching days/evenings, such as "Can night" where you can get into the fair if you bring some cans to donate. Great cause.... Great community event... amazing people watching. :) I mean folks, we live in NC. We're not known for being the metropolis state. Down here we say "HEHAW!!!"... Okay, maybe not all of us. Some of us still can't pull that off but never the less, you go to the fair to eat food that's terrible for you and watch the scenery. (Carnies are pretty interesting folks too.)

This year the new item on the "fried menu" was fried pecan pie. Rave reviews in the newspaper. (Yes, folks the fried fair food is rated in the paper.) I'm not a big pie eater, let alone a pie with nuts (yick) but Stephen loves him some pecan pie. (See I dropped to southern there for a moment.) Last year for those keeping track the new item on the menu was fried reeses, which I'll say were good, but I'm still reeling from eating them. I couldn't even comtemplate eating any of the "fried X" foods tonight. The pie got Stephens vote of approval.

The roasted corn on the cob... As usual: Amazing. I limited my chunky self to only one ear of corn however. (Discipline and self control.... Or saving room for funnel cake?!) The funnel cake wasn't really my idea. Katherine suggested it. (See pics) Honestly. The girl wouldn't let up... Mommy, are we going to have funnel cake? Mommy, is it time for funnel cake? Mommy, they sell funnel cake.... Alright already, let's have funnel cake!!! :P

The game(rs) at the fair were out in force. We watched a few and Stephen took a couple of pictures of Katherine and I near all of the people losing their money while trying to win ginormous stuffed "things". We did not attempt to win anything. We'll buy K a stuffed animal instead. It was a little chilly hence the bundling. Katherine was toasty warm in her fleece outfit and big fleece blanket that she was wrapped in, with the exception of the 30 seconds or so of picture time! (Ya had to see the cute pink outfit.)

You might notice our vote for Steve Troxler stickers. (Katherine's is on her leg because she was trying to eat it.) He's the current NC Commissioner of Agriculture. (Again I say HEHAW.) Our friend Meredith and her boyfriend were "working the booth" at the fair for his campaign. We love Merry, so we're voting Troxler. Yes, very scientific. We don't think she'd steer us wrong... Plus we know even less about the "other guy". Mr Troxler did have tractor stickers that they were giving out that apparently are a big hit. I, personally, didn't need a tractor sticker, but hey - there were lots of people there that felt the need. You go with your bad selves!!! Some even placed them on their backs. Creative folk. Others commented that they would have preferred magnets over stickers. As Merry says... so noted, so noted. Vote Troxler!!! :)

Pictures from our visit at the fair: http://picasaweb.google.com/daleksza/2008StateFair#


Jacki said...

really? ur blaming ur eating habits on that sweet innocent little baby??
but i'm extremely surprised that there was only 1 corn on the cob to be eaten!! i think u tore up about 10 last year!!! lol
love youuuuu <3

Darlene said...

So last year it was Katherine too. She was just a wee baby telling me to eat corn on the cob. And it wasn't 10. I believe it was 3. Ahem. :P