Saturday, September 13, 2008


Well, the videos didn't quite work out. I didn't realize that it takes 1-5 minutes per MB to upload. Crazy. Each video is about a minute and the files are anywhere from 112 - 148MB. YouTube was the same way. I tried to upload the files 3-4 times and they failed each time and I can't spend that much time babysitting the upload so until I can figure out how to shrink the files, or I make shorter videos (10 seconds?), you won't see videos posted.

Today was a quiet family day. Stephen put down some grass seed and some dirt this morning but was finished with that by 8:30am. (He's trying to make cushy grass for Katherine's feet!) We spent the day laying on the sofa and loveseat and doing a little tummy time on Mommy's tummy. (If a baby doesn't like Tummy Time does that ever change???) Usually tummy time concludes when she gives me back some of her last feeding. Yuck!!!! At one point today we both had to change all of our clothes.

We're approaching our last week at home together before I go back to work FT. *sigh* I don't want to leave her. When she goes to daycare will she forget who Mommy and Daddy are? Will she remember us?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear we won’t be seeing the video’s. Don’t know how long after Katherine’s eating period you wait to have tummy time, but try waiting at least a hour after she eats before trying it. Weather or not she remembers Mommy and Daddy after being with the sitter will depend on how much fun she has there and the attention she gets. It’s a tough one since you don’t want her to hate it either.

Geez! Back to work already, Time flies when your having fun!.

Good Luck, Love Dad!