This week we have a guest blog writer: Our very own TOOTSIE! Last week while Stephen and I were away on vacation my parents came up to play with K for the week. I offered the blog up to Tootsie for the week to tell her story... =)
Thank you Tootsie & Pop for giving Katherine such an awesome vacation! And now... onto the story:
It was more like Tootsie and Pop’s vacation with Katherine but since this is Katherine’s blog it’s only appropriate to give her top billing. hehe We were given the honor of staying with K while Mommy and Daddy went on their cruise to Alaska.
Since Pop had the pleasure of airport shuttle duty at 4 a.m. on the first morning, I went upstairs to get Katherine up for school. She was standing up in her crib expecting I’m sure her Mommy to come into the room and the minute she saw me she laid down and hid her face! I asked her if she was ready to get up and without showing her face she shook her head no. So I said, “ok, I’ll come back later”, and I left the room. I went back in about three minutes later and zoom, down she went hiding her face. Again I said, “ok, I’ll come back later”, and I left the room. This time I waited about five minutes and I went back in and while she didn’t jump up she didn’t hide again. Progress! I sat down on the floor beside her crib and talked to her and played with her until she warmed up and was ready to get up. Whew!
Arriving during country week at school, we got to dress Katherine up as a cowgirl, complete with pink boots and hat! K can totally rock this look!!! And Pop made an awesome horsey all week for her too!!
Since Katherine loves her new beach condo, she wanted us to take her there for the weekend so of course we agreed! We had a blast on the beach playing in the ocean with the water baby. Katherine thoroughly enjoys water! The only time she was out of the ocean was when she ate her pb&j sandwich! Seriously, she loved the waves splashing her, filling her bucket with water, feeling the sand move under her little feet when the water whooshed out, sitting down in the water… water, water, water!!!
Most of our days through the week started with dropping K off at daycare, finding a new park for a run, heading back to the house where Pop was usually just waking up and relaxing with our morning coffee and tea. A couple of days we picked K up early and a couple of days she stayed to have ice cream fun and water fun days.
Aunt Nikki requested an audience with the Princess K and of course was granted access! That was an early pick up day so we could all go to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. After K ate a huge bowl of macaroni and cheese, Aunt Nikki made her an ice cream sundae that was also huge, complete with jimmies. Katherine was about to burst… as was Sofi since Nicole made her a sundae too! After lunch it was raining and while we were waiting outside for Pop to get the car, the rest of us had to sing the raindrops are gumdrops song… ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!! Katherine loved it!!!
Pop worked diligently one morning while Katherine was in school, setting up her swimming pool and putting together her new water and sand play station (birthday present from Mommy and Daddy). So after school we put on our bathing suits and went outside for an afternoon of super duper fun!! I think that was the day Pop won K’s heart! That was the day she started calling him Poppy. Aawww... We spent a few hours at the big pool one day which K also loved. Have I mentioned how much K loves water?!?! At water fun day at school Katherine and one other little guy were the only ones to put their faces in the sprinklers!! hehe
Katherine became a pro at Skype during vacation. We Skyped Aunt Jacki a couple of times and Mommy and Daddy almost every day. She loved it! The first couple of days, we heard “mommy daddy bye bye mommy mommy daddy bye bye daddy mommy daddy bye bye”, many times! Seeing mommy and daddy and talking to them helped both K and Mommy I think! Gotta love technology.
Bed time is surely one of my favorite times of the day. Little K relaxed, sitting on my lap during story time and snuggled up with her arms around me during music time melts my heart.
Oh and there was one little incident with the drivers side mirror hanging off the truck when we got back from the beach, but Poppy swears he had nothing to do with it. And the ride to Myrtle Beach using Stephens GPS was another adventure. The dirt road through Deliverance was as fast as we could make it and didn’t mean to leave a dirt plume behind us. Honest, we did not take K baha-ing!
We enjoyed every minute of our vacation with Katherine. She is the sweetest granddaughter any Tootsie and Poppy could ask for.
Pictures of the week with Tootsie & Pop:
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