If you ask Katherine how old she is she’ll tell you, “I chshoo” and try desperately to hold up two fingers. She just can’t seem to master that part yet.
A few weeks ago we took Katherine for her 2 year check up. If you haven’t noticed by now, they are consistently about a month behind. Apparently my mess up in scheduling her check up back when she was oh, about 6 months old will follow me through her childhood. Or so it seems. It’s part of my parent “permanent record”. There’s all these rules about how you can’t have the next shot in a series until a full 6 months after the previous shot. Since I messed up early in her little life I’ve condemned her to one month late check-ups. I’m hoping this is the worst thing I do as her parent… but I’m doubting that to be the case. I mean who of us doesn’t have some food scaring? Those little old Italian Grandma’s who are amazing at everything are few and far between… and certainly aren’t in my house. *sigh*
During our two year and one month old appointment Katherine had all of her “stats” taken. A growth update for our girl:
* Height: 34” (for those of you doing the math, YES, that’s 25” shorter than I am) This is up 2” from her last appointment at 18 months.
* Weight: 23lb 9.5oz This is up about 2lbs since her last appointment.
* Head: We don’t measure that anymore. Apparently noggin growth following the 2nd birthday becomes inconsequential.
Katherine had a couple of shots during her appointment. She took them like a trooper. I’m pretty sure she consistently takes a shot better than I do.
Dr H allowed us to ask our questions. Of which we always think we have none and then somehow ask him stuff for 10 minutes. This time we learned that she no longer needs her full fat milk. “fat intake is important for the first two years of life and then we spend the next 80 minimizing our fat content” Says Dr H. Girlfriend is slurping on skim milk now. Woot woot!!! Only one kind of milk in the house again!
Katherine’s adjustment to the new school is… going. While Stephen and I were away on vacation she did great. Tootsie reported no drama at drop off and pick up was fine.
I get back and take her to school and I get leg clutches and full on crocodile tears. What the crap, I say?! My girl knows drama. “And the Emmy goes to….. Katherine Aleksza for Best Daycare Drama Scene” I get comfort from the other Mom’s in the hallway saying, “don’t worry, it’ll get better. My son/daughter did the same thing.” Hm. I wonder to myself if they won an Emmy.
The new school has brought on other challenges for our family that I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting. There’s a lot of very cool, very fun stuff that they do with the kids. I’m waiting to see if this is a year-round kind of thing or whether this is for “summer camp” as they refer to the summer months of school. The first time I realized I was out of my league was at the Fairy Ball. Mmmhhhmmm. The boys were to dress in their best prince attire and the girls as princesses. I thought I was doing a pretty rock star thing by dressing Katherine up in a pretty little dress with a crown that lit up. (A gift from my 2006 Conference & Expo team… Thanks team!!!) Well, when I arrived at school to see Arials, Cinderellas, Sleeping Beauty and heaven knows all of the other princesses I felt as if I’d dressed her as Fiona from Shrek (AKA Mrs. Shrek). Lesson learned… I gave Tootsie the next challenge for Cowboy/girl day. Tootsie ROCKED it out. Katherine LOVED her hat and cowgirl boots.
Next challenge: 50’s sockhop is next week. I feel a need to be Suzie Homemaker and MAKE Katherine’s outfit. We’ll see how it goes. So far I’ve looked at the sewing machine sitting in our spare/empty room. I glared it down (given that the last time I used it – taking it out of the box – it hurt me). I’m considering hot glue and iron on tape for her outfit. I suppose the real first step would be identifying either a pattern or some fabric. I keep thinking – how hard can it be? She’s two… it’s a little skirt with a poodle on it. I have about two weeks. Amazon ships in two days. Pray for me… Better yet, pray for poor Katherine. Her Mommy’s gonna dress her up funnyyyyy! ;P
Instead of an album of her birthday, an album of the 4th of July, etc. I decided I would just put together one album of some of my favorite pictures from the last two months. Hopefully you’ll enjoy like these pictures as much as I do!
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