On Tuesday I take Katherine into daycare like I usually do. We go in, chat, say hi to the other kids and play for a minute or so and then I leave. Except Tuesday, her teacher said... Katherine has been taking toys from the other kids while playing. HUH? I looked at her and said... Katherine!!!! We must share!! She smiled and laughed at me. Hm. Not sure she got the message. And alas, every morning I hug & kiss her, and whisper in her ear... "remember to share and be nice to others"... I thought I was getting through. Apparently not. The teacher said... We think it's because she's been so used to being the youngest and now she's one of the oldest. Huh. We'll need to work on that.
Today, we received our first "ouchie" note. Katherine got a little scratch on the back of her neck from one of the other kids. Being that earlier in the week I was told Katherine didn't share I immediately wondered if the other kid decided he/she was winning regardless. But alas, the teacher said another one of the kids tried to take her Paci and in the process she got scratched. Treatment applied: a warm cloth and TLC. All is well.
But that does bring me to... Is Katherine a bully? Yikes!!! She's one of the oldest but also one of the smallest. Riley, who is the cutest little boy I've ever seen, is a couple of months younger and is twice her size. (They dig one another... I think Jacob's out... Sorry Jake. She's moved on.) They get all gooey eyed every morning when they see each other. Very cute. And what's even better is I dig Riley. Daddy's not so pleased ... we're trying to break him in slowly to the whole boys thing.
The other new thing this week is Katherine can now go from laying on her back to sitting up by herself. It was a total shock. Stephen was upstairs with a case of the "vapors" (He didn't feel well - my little drama king) and Katherine and I were getting ready to leave when she "spit up" all over me and herself. (BTW - when does it stop being spit up and start being puke??) So we both had to change. I ran upstairs to get clothes for us both while she was playing on the floor and came back and she was sitting up. I was sure I didn't leave her that way - so I laid her back down again. She did it again!! Weeeee... I laid her back down again and grabbed the phone so I could take video. Excellent. Third time sitting up by herself... caught on video.
Pictures for the week:
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