This week we had a couple of major events in the Aleksza house. Katherine crawled for the first time on Thursday evening and on Saturday she started picking up food between her index finger and thumb (AKA pincher grasp).
Katherine had her 9mo pediatrician appointment on Tuesday of this week. Updated stats below:
Weight: 17lb 11.5oz (30th percentile)
Length: 27.25in (40th percentile)
Head: 42.75cm (17th percentile)
Little girl still has a small noggin, but as Dr Hewitt says - Her head is growing at the right velocity. Dr H again sided with Katherine on everything. I want to know - When do I get a victory?? She won't eat her vegetables - ok, well keep trying but if she won't eat them give her something else - even if it is fruit. :-/
Dr H did recommend giving Katherine more table food. We've been giving her little tastes but he said give it to her in place of her baby food. Maybe she's just ready to move onto bigger and better things and is bored with baby food. So far this week she's had Chicken, BBQ beef, rice, potatoes, and grilled cheese. Chicken, potatoes and grilled cheese were winners. BBQ beef and rice... Not so much so. We've also started giving her some organic yogurt. Our girl is a fan. I think she likes strawberry banana. Friday night Katherine displayed her pincher grasp by picking up her puff treats. She looooves puffs and gobbles them quickly.
On Thursday night after dinner the whole family was sitting (Daddy was laying) on the floor. Katherine's toys were at one end of the room and she was at the other. She was sitting and got herself into a crawl position - which isn't new - but THEN, she took off. Okay. Took off might be an overstatement. She wobbled on all fours across the room. YAY!!! What did we do? What we think most parents do?! (We hope.) We put her back on the other side of the room and she crawled for her toys again. A proud happy moment in the Aleksza house. :) Thank goodness the outlet covers had arrived the night before. Since Stephen has replaced 25 covers in the house. Her room was already done so it just left - well, the rest of the house. Way to go Daddy!!
Today we went to the park so Katherine experienced her first dose of sunscreen and dug into the grass. She liked ripping it out of the ground. You know what came next, unfortunately. She tried to eat it. We had a conversation about how cows eat grass - not little girls. She didn't much care. She just grabbed another handful and went at it. Maybe I just go with it and consider it "eating her greens"??
Pictures for this week:
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