On Friday, I was happily going through our standard bedtime routine. Bath, blow dry baby (cool air of course), diaper, PJs, swaddle. Swaddle. I was about to wrap Katherine up when Stephen said, "Um, aren't we going to try unswaddling?" I looked at him. Weakly. Tears in my eyes. Really? Tonight? Isn't it too soon? Do we need another week of one arm out? Can we sleep another night, maybe two? Maybe 18 years? No. Don't be weak... I can do this. Out came the "baby bag" we bought for her last November soon after we found out I was pregnant. She looked so cute. So innocent... What would become of the night?
Thankfully, nothing. She slept. Through the night! Unswaddled. Did I sleep? No. I was so worried about her flipping onto her belly I watched the video monitor most of the night. When she'd turn over, I'd go flip her back over. She was relentless with sleeping on her belly. Since there's no talking during the middle of the night, I couldn't explain to her why that was illegal, so I continued to flip her over. Pleading in my head... Please stay on your back. Either she didn't hear me, or she didn't care what I had to say. Night two I resolved that if she flipped onto her belly I wouldn't immediately go in and turn her back over. For the most part, I didn't. But it was hard. I needed to keep checking to then make sure she was breathing.
It was a long couple of nights. Finally I called the nurse line at her pediatricians office. They'd tell me what to do!!! I explained to the nurse what was happening. Even explained that she can only roll over one way. From her back, from her left side. That's it - no other rolling. She said, once they start rolling over you can let them go. In disbelief I said really? What about SIDS? She said (laughing), "Well unless you stand guard over the crib all night you're not going to be able to stop her." EEEK. Was she here? How did she know??
I'm going to listen to Nurse Funny and let Katherine sleep on her belly. Nurse Funny says it's fine. But don't you worry, I'll be asking Dr Hewitt when I see him next!!!
We gave peas another chance. While I won't say Katherine loves them, she tolerates them. She ate her three containers of peas over three days with no ill effect. Except the face of ICK for the first few spoonfuls. She tried pears for the first time this week. My oh my were they a hit!!! That night at dinner she had half a container of peas and a FULL container of pears. I couldn't put them in her mouth fast enough. Wait till she tries ice cream... Oh wait. She's had that. Wait till she tries whipped cream... Hm. Had that too.... Wait till she gets more than Daddy's finger dipped in ice cream or whipped cream!!!
Our biggest news of the week came as a shock to both Katherine and I. On Sunday we were sitting on the sofa and as I've done for the last few weeks I tried to get her to sit. We need to practice that sort of stuff. Typical to previous practice sessions she tipped over after about two seconds. Then I thought... Hm. I wonder whether she'd do any better on the floor. SHE SAT!!! Stayed right there. No tipping, nothing!! Just sat and smiled up at me, like DUH Mom. Put me on something stable and see what I can do!!! What did I do? Layed her down and ran for the camera. Silly readers. :) We're very proud of her sitting accomplishment. You should have heard her teachers when I showed them on Monday. You'd have thought she won a Pulitzer. :) How cute!!!!
New artwork has been posted to Artsonia. My little Picasa Jr gave Stephen and I a picture of a turkey for Thanksgiving. :)
And here are our pictures for the week. We took some new pictures of Katherine with the life size Panda bear that her Aunt Patty bought for her. For those that saw the pictures from when she was a week or so old - these are quite possibly cuter than the first set. She LOVES the bear and thinks it's quite fun to play with. And of course, there's a morning picture of her, on her belly. She wasn't pleased with the photo session at 7am. :P Ooops.
Happy Thanksgiving!! Love to all!! xoxo ~ The Aleksza Family
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