Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Give Peas a Chance

We did. And they didn't go well. We're going to attempt peas again, but I'll say they didn't go over nearly as well as the oatmeal or carrots did. No siree. While the jury is still out on whether peas will make the cut, Stephen is holding onto hope that Katherine will grow to Looooooove peas. If you were to ask Stephen, the little round green things have been banished from our house. While I won't say they've been banished from the house, they are banished from my food. I'm a grown up now. I don't have to eat peas if I don't want to!!! AND I can still have my pudding pop. (Did you really thing the last time I posted about it would be the ONLY time you'd hear about the peas and pudding pop?? Come on now... It's been 20+ years... One mere blog mention does not erase the scars of my youth!!) I do hope however that I do not pass my pea disdain onto my daughter. For they are her Daddy's veggie of choice. Well that and fungus... and who eats that anyway? (No childhood scar there... just a straight up YUCK factor.) Give peas a chance... well, we'll consider another go round. :)

Last week I told you that Katherine rolled over for the first time. This week she rolled over for the first time... while sleeping. Thursday morning I went into her room to wake her up. I walk in and look at her and think... Hm. There's something fishy here. I couldn't immediately put my finger on it. She was still sleeping... okay, not that unusual (she's my daughter after all)... What is it? OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I scream. STEPHEN!!!! Come see what your daughter has done. (I'm sure that won't be the first time or only time I yell those words.) He comes in and looks and says "What?!" LOOK, I say... She's on her belly!!! It's at this point Katherine wakes up and begins giving us what we can only describe as a turtle look. Her head poking out of the swaddle blanket and her doing her best to hold her head up, while having no arms/hands to support herself. (Remember, she's still swaddled!!!) We discuss how she's going to need to be unswaddled. Weren't we just discussing that a few days ago? Yup. And the day is upon us. I'm not ready. It's too soon. Meanwhile, Katherine continues to watch this exchange. We realize at the same time AAAHHH, she's still on her belly and flip her over. Yup. Parents of the Year. *sigh* So, we resolve to read Dr Karp's chapter on weaning off of swaddling.

The book says that to wean a baby off of swaddling you unwrap one arm from the swaddle. One arm. Hm. Curious. Ok. We can try that. Tonight? On a Thursday? How about we try it on Friday night. That sounds much better!! Alas, we probably should have just gone with it on Thursday night. Instead of sleeping fitfully through the night, instead I'm waking up every hour or so to check the video monitor to make sure she's not on her belly. Why you ask? Because I've been sufficiently traumatized by the SIDS statistics. I must NOT let her sleep on her belly.

Friday night we unswaddled one arm. Apparently the WRONG arm. Why? Well it made it easier for her to roll over. You see, she has a problem when she rolls over. She can only roll one way. From her back to her left side. That it. And even that takes some effort as she can't figure out what to do with her arm when she's trying to roll over. With her arm straight at her side it makes rolling over WAY easy. And so the night begins. Stephen didn't even make it out of her room a few times, and she was back onto her belly. Leave her there? Again, I say SIDS, not to mention that when she would wake up she'd start SCREAMING because she was on her belly... The only thing worse is getting her vaccines. Saturday night I got wise to her ways and we switched up. Swaddle the other arm. She's not able to roll over again now. Well, at least she still has the challenge of what to do with the arm. She hasn't rolled over in her crib, during the night, since. Whew. Crisis suspended. I'm not foolish to think it's averted.

When do we unswaddle the other arm? I don't know. Don't rush me.

Katherine's also getting quite, um, active in her Jumparoo and ExerSaucer. Yes, active. Good word. In her Jumparoo our little darling gets air. Truly. Her hair flies up in the air when she jumps. It's really quite amusing. Baby can jump!!! She doesn't quite understand (no matter how many times I tell her) that the ExerSaucer doesn't have the same functionality as the Jumparoo. So she tries to jump in that too. Instead of getting air she rocks the thing like crazy!!! Ms Lisa told me today that she can move the little ExerSaucer like thing at daycare across the floor by jumping. Isn't that special??

Here are some pictures from the last week of events.

This week we're getting ready for the great Thanksgiving festivities. We're looking forward to seeing all of the family members who are coming to town. Stephen's already begun cooking and prepping some things. This weekend we plan to start another round of things that can be prepared/frozen in advance of the big day.

Oh, and for those curious about our "Black Friday" shopping... This year's not looking too spectacular. Stephen's actually said (out loud!!!) that maybe we'll just stay home. WOW!! It's got to be pretty crappy. It's his favorite shopping day of the year. He anticipates it for months... we have spreadsheets, calculations, rebate tracking... Stay home??? I don't think it's possible!!!

1 comment:

Jacki said...

first let me just say- like father like daughter..."no siree" lol and I guess I won't ask if you need help cooking for T-Day! nor will I offer to make my o'so amazing stuffing due to the fact that it contains "fungus"! hehe thats ok... I will just entertain Katherine. Which leads me to my next comment- Stephen- GO SHOPPING! ur black friday excursion is my time with Katherine. Please don't deprive me =( please....