I know. I know. It’s been weeks since I’ve updated everyone. But I swear, it’s been busy!!! We had FOUR firsts over the last few weeks that contributed to some of the craziness. (More on that later.)
Stephen told me that I need to make sure I keep up the blog. He claims it’s the only way he knows what’s going on in the family. I’m thinking maybe I can make a honey-do list here…. He reads it, so maybe he’ll do it?! What do you think?? Honey, the garage could really use a cleaning. I’m happy to help – supervise. Just let me know when. Oh, and I think the diaper genie could use a bag change. Xoxo :)
So are you ready to find out what three of Katherine’s firsts were??? She had her first cold, first left eye infection and first right eye infection. Isn’t that special?! I think they came courtesy of daycare, but who really knows. Stephen or I could have given it to her from ickiness we brought home from work. Daycare is a slobberfest though so if I were a betting woman (which you know I’m not) I’d go with daycare.
The implementation of the snot sucker (yes, I know it has a real name but snot sucker is so much more descriptive) did not prove to be an enjoyable event for Katherine. All in all – not a fan. Even when I try to distract her, she gets quite irritated with me. I think she recognizes the SS because when she sees it she looks at me like “really Mommy??? Again???” Oh, and I now totally understand why there’s the “protective ridge” around the end of the tube. When you see a little booger and it’s just beyond your reach I can see how an overzealous Mommy (or Daddy) might get caught up in the moment. Thankfully Katherine is protected by the Red Cross and their safety measures.
Recently we started to give Katherine some teethers that can be frozen. She gets a kick out of them. She doesn’t quite understand that the whole thing can’t go into her mouth. Fortunately the heart, square and various other shapes prevent her from getting the whole thing in her mouth – but she’s a go-getter and gives it a shot every time.
On the 12th Stephen and I celebrated our 5th anniversary. Hard to believe it's been five years since the wedding. To celebrate Stephen and I took a trip back to the area where we went on our honeymoon. We said way back when that for our 5th anniversary we really wanted to go back - so we did. Sans Katherine. YIKES!!!! This was our fourth first. Our first time leaving Katherine overnight... actually for SEVERAL nights. We had a wonderful trip. I know I really enjoyed having some time alone with Stephen where we weren't focusing on work, home stuff, baby care, etc. It was time just for us.
To keep with the theme of our traditional wedding presents we exchanged "wood" presents this year. Stephen bought me a BEAUTIFUL sculpture from an artist in Butan. It came from one of the organizations that helps artists in third, fourth, etc. world countries earn money and share their talents across the globe. I love love love it. I bought Stephen a hand made orthodox cross. The gentleman that made it (Reader Seraphim) made it out of a black cherry tree that had some fallen limbs, etc. during a storm. He made the cross from the damaged tree parts and if I do say so myself it's quite lovely. I was rather pleased with the purchase - and hope Stephen was too!!! (He said he was.)
While Stephen and I were away for our anniversary trip Tootsie and Pop came to stay with Katherine. As you might imagine, I typed up a whole series of things they, of course, needed to know. I know Tootsie read through them - Pop, I don't think so much so. It at least made me feel better that they were read... as for using them (or as Stephen says following them...) Not so sure that happened!! It was Tootsie Pop and Katherine spoil time!!!! Weeeeee.... If the pictures are any indication, she had a TERRIFIC time with Tootsie & Pop. So much so I think she wanted them to pack her in their suitcase and take her to FL with them. No worries though... Stephen checked their luggage as they were leaving to make sure Katherine didn't get smuggled in there somehow. (Aunt Jacki recommended the smuggling and suggested Tootsie poke airholes in the suitcase so she could breathe.)
While Katherine only made it to daycare one day while Tootsie & Pop were here :-/ it was a very important day for her to go. Last Monday she has her first “school picture day”. Isn’t that exciting???? I really hope there’s a class picture. How neat would that be?? Eight babies!! Oh so cute! She’s making lots of friends in school. She’s quite the social butterfly.
In other news....
Katherine also learned how to use Daddy’s credit card. My wonderful and amazing daughter sent me flowers to welcome me back to work. She also wrote a beautiful card that made me cry. Again I say, Mensa application??? I am a wee bit concerned that she figured out how to use the credit card at the young age of four months old. Imagine her at 15? Daddy’s wallet will not be safe. We know what kind of genetics run in the Aleksza family – Justin (sorry Jus) was using his Mom’s credit card to pay for things until oh two years ago. I’m not sure that’s going to work out for little miss Katherine!!
The weekend before last we participated for the first time in our neighborhood yardsale. It was a gorgeous day to be outside. Stephen was able to sit and read a book while enjoying the weather (his family) :) and relaxing a bit. Katherine stayed outside with us for much of the time checking out the scenery. She really likes people watching. I won’t say we made a boatload of money… but we at least made enough that it was okay to have gathered the “stuff” and again, it was a really nice day to be outside.
After our yard sale we had a visit from Aunt Nikki and Sofi. Sofi, for those that don’t know, has been called back to Active Duty. She is scheduled to report on October 26th. Her orders are for up to 400 days. She’s serving with the Mississippi National Guard. From what we understand, she won’t be airborne. :( We’re not sure where she’ll be heading yet (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.). Please keep her in your prayers. As for Nicole, she’s still home and I believe the plan is for her to be home for the next few months at least. We’re looking forward to her spending Thanksgiving with us!
Finally, the company that Stephen and I work for has finally completed the merger. We are officially "merged". :P As for us... Yesterday was payday and the check cleared so we're running with it. It's always sad when there are those that don't become part of the new organization. When you're one of those people it doesn't matter whether it's 1, 100 or 1000... We're blessed that we have the jobs that we have and work with the people that we do. I've said many times that a job is a job... You need one to pay the bills. What makes one place different from another to work, is the people you work with. We're fortunate that the people we work with are more like an extended family than just co-workers. Whether it's moving :), a bad day, a shoulder when something personal is going on, or hanging out to celebrate holidays, birthdays or special events, like a baby being born... we're there for each other. So that makes me grateful for not only having a job, but having one with so many people that I care about and who care about me and my family. Enough of the kool-aid for this post!
I promise I'll try to post more often going forward! xoxo to all!!
And since you're reading and captive... I love you Stephen, with all my heart!! Thank you for the most wonderful 5 years of my life.
1 comment:
Tootsie was NOT supposed to tell you about the smuggling idea!!!
and i think i threw up a lil in my mouth over the last mushy part.. bleh!
Love youuuu! <3
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