Is this kid cute or what?? :)
The last four days have been quite busy!! Let's see... Monday I told you all about already. Tuesday... yes, Tuesday. Well, the morning started off well enough. Katherine actually woke up for us to get her ready and as I said I would she got dressed for the day when she had her morning diaper changed. aaahhhh the skies open... revelation... you CAN dress your daughter before she eats!!! Woweee...
Off to school we went where she was handed over to Miss Lisa. I asked Miss Lisa if Katherine had any tummy time the day before and she said a little bit but not much. She said she fussed when Zack (her classmate) started fussing and that was kind of the end of that.
I made it through most of that day without being obsessed with calling. I did call, but I swear it was because I thought I had a mental telepathy signal coming from Katherine saying Mommy.... Are you going to call me today??? Hmmm??? Of course I had to answer!!! Duh. Miss Lisa said everything was fine and that Katherine was doing great. This time I didn't hear her crying in the background. (It also wasn't around feeding time!!)
Stephen and I went to pick Katherine up at around 5:10... I know... Crazy!!! And let me mention how the little gas light was on in my car. For those of you that don't know, Raleigh is having a gas shortage. Apparently we can't get fuel delivered through the pipe line, or some such nonsense, to our gas stations. So after we pick Katherine up I'm on a mission to FIND FUEL!!!! We go to BJs. No gas. And while we're there we have to search for a label maker... *sigh*. The labels we were putting on Katherine's bottles... A MESS!!!! Do not, I repeat, do not, put regular mailing type labels on bottles that get warmed. UG. The sticky horrid mess it makes. (I did find that you can take off sticky ick by rubbing vegetable oil on the sticky part... ) No label maker at BJs. I wasn't spending $30 on a label maker. No ma'am. So we headed down Capital Blvd to continue the gas search and ultimately purchase a label maker. Fortunately we came across a gas station that had regular gas. (Most have run out of mid-grade and premium... I'm too cheap to buy that anyway so that's no skin off my back.)
Gas mission accomplished and we headed to get our label maker. I know having read just sentences before how I refused to pay $30 for a label maker you're curious as to just how much miser darlene paid for said label maker... $15. I know. Good deal you say. I agree.
Katherine was quite tuckered that evening. She went to bed pretty easily as I think her classmates keep her going during the day.
Wednesday morning... She woke up and then fell back to sleep as she was talking to herself in her crib. I wonder what she's saying... Mooooooommmmmmyyyy.... Daaaaaaadddddddyyyyyy..... I'm laying here in a wet diaper.... come geeeet me!!! Pullllleeeeze!!!! Or is it... where's the TV and the boys I like to watch?? (Also known as Ultimate Fighting Championships... don't ask. It's not a pretty story.)
School that day went well too but I had a bit of a setback during the day. My melt down occurred in the morning after I dropped her off and continued pretty much through out the day. I had someone make a comment to me at work about Katherine being at daycare (it wasn't a nice comment) and it sent me into a fit of tears for pretty much the rest of the day. When we picked her up Wednesday she was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired. She fell asleep at basically 6:15 and with the exception of about 15-20 minutes where she woke up for her bath after I tickled, undressed and talked to her till she opened her eyes. She slept until this morning at 7 when we had to wake her up. The girl was B.U.S.T.E.D. Poor baby was exhausted from her day of play.
OH I forgot to mention when we picked her up on Tuesday night Miss Donna said that she'd put her in the exer-saucer type thing. She said Katherine really liked it. Hm. Really??? I didn't think she'd be ready for that for another month or so.... So of course I ran home that night and put together her little jumparoo!!! What fun we (I) had with her in it that night. Weeeeeeeeeee
Today she had another great day and she managed to keep her eyes open most of the evening. We played on the floor and in her jumparoo. She's trying SO hard to roll over from her back to her belly. (Pull out that mensa app Daddy!!! We've got ourselves a little genius!!! College scholarship here we come!!!!... Can that go on her college application???) She can get about half way over and then just kicks and kicks trying to get herself momentum to get over. Tonight I was laying beside her saying roll over roll over roll over!!! I felt like I was teaching a puppy!!! She didn't go fetch the stick. :-/
The jumparoo was my favorite part of the night. Katherine was ready to go as soon as I put her in it. The one we have at home plays music when you touch the little toys on the top. She went to town!!!! She was talking to it and concentrating so hard. I did realize that she needed a bit of a prop for her feet. Check out the pictures. Like mother like daughter. We both need a little extra help to make our feet touch "the ground". hehehe (And yes, I found myself quite ingenius at my solution.)
And since I was on a picture roll tonight I took some of her during bathtime too. As you can tell from the first bath picture to the current state, she's started to like bathtime significantly more. Of course I get significantly wetter over the course of the event, but she has a blast kicking away. Stephen was concerned about showing her *ahem* so as you can see she's wearing a washcloth bikini covering her unmentionables. Modesty folks. Modesty.
Tomorrow finishes up our first week of daycare. Our hours at night are few but precious. Katherine's thriving at daycare and is happy and content with her "teachers". It's great to know that they care about her so much. One of our co-workers has a daughter that goes to the same school. On Monday she picked her daughter up from school early and popped in to check on Katherine. She knew it was Katherine's first day. She said when she walked in Katherine was in the arms of one of her teachers, in the rocking chair, and the teacher was talking to her. She said it was a sweet scene. In the end, when you know you need to work and your child goes to daycare, the most important thing to me, is knowing that she's happy and is being loved and cared for. And of that I have no doubt. As my sister Jacki says... I'm going all soft!!! :) And that's the end of this sappy post....
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