Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014: Tomatoes are a Fruit!

At school today Katherine played a game.  The game, she says, is called sugar and fats. I thought (surely) this is some made up game OR Katherine has the name all wrong.

So I googled it.

I was wrong.

When Katherine was explaining the game to me, I didn't understand it.

After reading the instructions... I still don't get it.

Does this make sense to you???

Katherine learned during this game that tomatoes are fruit.

Me: So how was your day?
Me: What did you do today?
KK: In PE we played Sugar and Fats.
Me: Ahhh... what's that??
KK: *insert instructions above told by a 5 year old... I can't even repeat it because it makes no sense to me*
KK: And you know what I learned?
Me: What?
KK: Tomatoes are a fruit!!! Isn't that fascinating?!

My child said fascinating.

I giggled at the absolute wonder that she used the word with.

She's awesome.

She fascinates me. :)

And then my fascinating husband whips out the line:  “Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.”

Thanks Stephen and Miles Kington. 

So many lessons today.  I feel edjumacated. ;) 

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