Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014: Pet Rocks & Peer Pressure

Tonight we're told, despite the due date written on the top of the assignment, that Katherine MUST turn in her pet rock tomorrow.

She told us this at 7:45pm. 


And so begins the (late) night before an assignment is due fun.  We argue, that's not what the paper says.  It says due May 2. 

She counters, "the teacher asked us to PLEASE bring them in tomorrow so she could show them to everyone on Friday." 

More peer pressure.  I see the image of the crack.  Okay so really I see an image of a plumbers butt crack because I have no idea what crack actually looks like.  (Thankfully)  In this instance I'm the butt crack because we come home from gymnastics and dinner and make the pet rock so that it can be turned in tomorrow.  *sigh*


Peer pressure. 

Plumber butt crack.

The assignment came with little pieces of paper that could be used to glue onto the pet rock.  We took a different path.  Flash is good, right? :) 

What is your pet rock's name? Elsa 
*of course... what else? She's Frozen obsessed!!! And "there's already an Anna... They're rock sisters!!!"* 

What does your rock look like? Like a snow princess. 

What does your pet rock like to do? Watch a movie. 
*she used up her creativity on the creation of the rock. and it was 8:30pm. we're an hour past lights out time. let's wrap this up.*

Please note the top of the assignment says due May 2nd. 

I rest my case. 

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