Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014: Pet Rocks & Peer Pressure

Tonight we're told, despite the due date written on the top of the assignment, that Katherine MUST turn in her pet rock tomorrow.

She told us this at 7:45pm. 


And so begins the (late) night before an assignment is due fun.  We argue, that's not what the paper says.  It says due May 2. 

She counters, "the teacher asked us to PLEASE bring them in tomorrow so she could show them to everyone on Friday." 

More peer pressure.  I see the image of the crack.  Okay so really I see an image of a plumbers butt crack because I have no idea what crack actually looks like.  (Thankfully)  In this instance I'm the butt crack because we come home from gymnastics and dinner and make the pet rock so that it can be turned in tomorrow.  *sigh*


Peer pressure. 

Plumber butt crack.

The assignment came with little pieces of paper that could be used to glue onto the pet rock.  We took a different path.  Flash is good, right? :) 

What is your pet rock's name? Elsa 
*of course... what else? She's Frozen obsessed!!! And "there's already an Anna... They're rock sisters!!!"* 

What does your rock look like? Like a snow princess. 

What does your pet rock like to do? Watch a movie. 
*she used up her creativity on the creation of the rock. and it was 8:30pm. we're an hour past lights out time. let's wrap this up.*

Please note the top of the assignment says due May 2nd. 

I rest my case. 

April 29, 2014: Hate on the Book Fair

I dislike the book fair.

I like the book fair in concept.  And I like the book fair for the opportunity to look at new books.

I dislike the process that the kids are asked to pick their top three books.  Three things seem reasonable. And maybe for most kids, it is. But it isn't for mine.

Remember the $10 budget? This would well accommodate the two books that Katherine had shown us that she wanted from the little flyer. Then she gets to the book fair and can't find three books that she wants but she feels like she has to pick three things because everyone else is.  So she picks out a jewelry making kit.  Let me repeat.  A jewelry making kit. At the book fair. For $15. Needless to say this blew her budget out of the water.  Which led to tears and me being told how mean of a mother I am. "None of the other kids had a budget!!! Everyone is going to make fun of me!!" Super. I'm the mean mother who will cause her child to be made fun of.

And this is where I jump the shark. Because I take the book fair and my insistence that she be on a budget, not succumb to peer pressure and jump right to ... OMG she's going to be peer pressured into drugs. I must maintain my position and not be pressured into buying more books. Or the jewelry making kit.  No siree, because if I do she's going to end up on crack.

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014: Finding Rocks

Katherine has a "thing" for rocks.  She thinks it's fun to "planet them" in the grass.  Needless to say, Stephen does not enjoy finding said rocks when he's mowing the lawn.  The $@#!$#@#! coming from the yard is usually an indicator that he's found one of Katherine's "plants".

She also enjoys planting them in the flower beds. I'm not sure what she thinks is going to grow from the rocks, but she does.  I don't enjoy finding said rocks when I'm planting flowers but fortunately those rocks are smaller because she has to try to dig a hole to plant them and she doesn't have the patience to dig very long.  #scoreforme

I believe she gets this from her Uncle Jason who collected SOOOOOOOOO many rocks in his youth. He even "polished" them and set up a stand in front of our house (reminder: speed limit on our road was 55mph) and tried to sell them.  Poor child... he never had a buyer but it didn't stop him from setting up his little stand. Bless his lil heart. :P I think K could be headed down that path.

Tonight when I picked her up she couldn't wait to get home because she had homework that involved finding a rock. She's making a pet rock.  #ohdear  She and Stephen hunted around the yard for the perfect pet rock.

Pet Rock on our kitchen counter.
It made me giggle... almost the same color!! 
I've placed Stephen in charge of all "Science" projects.  Annnnd, I'm considering this a science project. You're up babe!!! (The blog is my way of ensuring that you know that - so consider yourself notified! xoxo love ya. mean it! Good luck!)

Here's her rock on something that might enable you to actually, I don't know... See it. :)

I promise to provide photos of the finished Pet Rock Product

The book fair is this week at school too.  So far she's read about 15 books (by herself) and taken the comprehension tests on each of them.  On all but 1 she scored 100!  So I'm a big fan of the books... I'm a sucker for books - but they have to be reasonable.  I'm not a sucker for the $20 book. Okay - well it was just one time and the author signed them all... so they were "special" $20 books!!! Don't judge.

At the last book fair she picked out $35 in books. No dice kiddo. Tonight I told her she could have a $10 budget to buy whatever she wanted at the book fair. She has no concept (yet) about how much books cost... She's offered to chip in money from her piggy bank to compensate if necessary.

After I gave her this budget I started to worry that maybe I'd given her an unreasonable budget so I had to check the book fair flyer. We're good. *whew* She can probably score two books at the book fair - if she spends wisely. She thinks she's going to find 100 books for .20ea. Good luck Princess. Let me know how that works out for ya!

Two more days left in April and Stephen's birthday month... he might need one more cake before it's over... Hmmmmm....

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27, 2014: St. Thomas and Thomas Jefferson

At church this morning Katherine was fidgeting. It's a nearly 2 hour service on Sundays so I totally get the fidgeting.  Heck, I fidget.  So does Stephen.  She picked a rather crazy time to do it though - during the Gospel reading. I gave her the Reading and had her track & follow it as the Priest was reading. Afterwards we sat down to listen to the Homily and I told her she needed to use good listening ears to learn more about what the Gospel was about.

She listened. 

It was about St. Thomas and how "doubting Thomas" started.  She was listening so intently. 

She turned to me, as the Priest said "Thomas" for about the third or fourth time, and whispered, "Is he talking about Thomas Jefferson?!" 

It was really hard not to snort laughing. And to answer her. And then explain to Stephen what happened - which was followed by her getting annoyed with me because I told Stephen. 

After church we decided to try a new breakfast place that served Crepes and local coffee.  The coffee was amazing. The Crepes.... Well, Katherine (who was most annoyed that we were eating "ridiculous crepes for BREAK-FAST?!!!) she thought hers was the greatest thing she'd ever eaten. She had a Cinnamon Roll crepe.  Cinnamon, crepe, cream cheese and icing on top.  Fortunately she didn't drink any coffee. She didn't need to be jacked up any more. I don't think we'll be returning there but it did get 1 out of 3 votes YAY. 

The afternoon was spent prepping some dinner for tonight and tomorrow and doing some more crafts on the lawn.  We had dinner with a friend visiting from NJ, catching up on the goings on in his world. 

Now to get ready for another busy week.  Hope you had a great weekend!  We certainly did!! :) 

St. Thomas

Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26, 2014: Ladies Day Out

Today Katherine and I had girls day out.  She had a bit of a "makeover".  We went to the mall and she shopped for new shoes (that we pinkie promised that she wouldn't complain about wearing), new dresses for church, a hair cut, some Starbucks, some pretzels, some hopping around the digital mat, and shopping at Macy's where she collected perfume cards (something she loves to do).

After that we came home and did some craft projects and then headed to the neighborhood spring festival.  At the end of the day the girl was.still.going. I'm tired... she's still bouncing all over the place.  I don't think there's a way to wear her out. Seriously.

Good southerner... She likes a John Deere

Part of her make-over!! Hair cut!
"OMG Mom!! I don't have to push the hair out of my eyes to see!!!"

cold hot chocolate... with a mountain of whipped cream!

happy girl

Starbucks + Pretzels + Cheese = Good eats

Hoppin around on the digital mat!!

"MOM!!!! This is totally red carpet material!! I could wear this to the Oscars!!" 

Working on some crafts!

Frames for the "photo booth" for the birthday party + a special surprise for K's teacher! 

McKinley Mill Spring Festival time!
Butterfly Face Painting!

Looking at the masterpiece in the mirror. 

Butterfly princess
Let me tell you... that stuff was TUFF to get off!

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014: I'm gonna pretend I'm a boy.

"FYI, I hate thunder!!!"

That's what we were told tonight.  "FYI"... ahhh, when did she start saying FYI? Of course Stephen and I immediately follow-up "Here's the 411 on the 911 FYI!!!" Katherine just stared at us. Like we were nuts. We are... but it's all her fault we are.  She made us this way!!! We were perfectly sane before child. (bahahahahaha and if you believe that... )

Yesterday Katherine asked if she could go to "windys" and pretend she was a boy.  AAhhhh, why does she want to pretend she's a boy? She heard from a friend they have monster truck toys in their kids meals. I had no idea she even knew what a monster truck was.

So tonight we took her to Windys to get her kids meal. First she tried to look like a boy. When that seemed to hard she decided to hide.  Because she didn't want them to accidentally give her a "girl toy". Alrighty then.

Here's her monster truck complete with stickers and ramp.

She's a proud little monster truck owner.

After monster truck assembly we played a new (ridiculous) game.  It was pretty fun and a quick game too.  We played 4-5 rounds in about 15 minutes.  It took a round or two to get the idea but after that we got the hang of it and there were giggles all around. :)

New game: We Didn't Playtest This at All
Tomorrow we'll be fixing the bangs in her eyes. Along with a little stroll around the mall and some girl "coffee-time" at St@rbucks. Poor Daddy will be at home doing homework.  We'll toast you babe!!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, 2014: Craigs List Fibbers

We're selling our living room furniture.  The chair, the loveseat, the tables --- even the rug.  Why? After 10 years we're getting a new set.  When we had Katherine I said, "there's no way we'll still have this set in 3 years."  Okay. So she's going to be 6 in June.  Whatever. If you knew how hard it was to pick furniture that is mutually agreed upon you'd think 10 years was quick. No joke. :)

I posted our set on cr@igslist. As I looked to make sure it posted I checked out some of my competition.  Have you ever looked at some of the stuff people sell?  Ma'am.  You're idea of "nice" and mine... very very different. For real?! You think that hot pink sofa is valued at $800?! Mkay. there's not a shot in h3ll that set is only 3 years old.  Unless 3 years ago they were manufacturing replica 1972 stuff. Who are you kidding?!

And yeah. Then there's my stuff out there. I'm sure someone's saying the same thing about what I posted. No worries. I just want someone to come buy it and get it O-U-T... without me having to move it this time.

You've treated us well little set. You've treated us well.
Stephen is going to miss you.
Me? I'm looking forward to laying in my new chaise. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23, 2014: Gymnastics Night

Gymnastics night. She was on the high bar tonight but it was too far away to take a picture. This is her coming off of the spring board. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22, 2014: I've got nothing

I've got nothing for you today.  I'm going with the "if you've got nothing nice to say..." thing.

Okay. Who am I kidding? I can't help myself.  So I will say something. But just a little bit.

Katherine has been insisting on calling me "mama" lately.  This is like

I ask her to stop and she says, "I just can't help myself." I believe she knows I can't stand it and that's why she chooses to do it. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Don't look at me like that kid.  I'm onto you. 

Also known as her "serious passport photo" face. 

The other thing that's like 

Whining. OOOHHHHHHHHHHH the whining.  From the minute I pick her up and she asks about the dinner, that no doubt will be something she doesn't want unless it's spaghetti & meatballs or we're going out to Sweet Tomatoes, to the minute she goes to bed. It's exhausting

Now I'm done. Onto April 23rd. 
I look just like this after 1 or 2 "fruit punches".

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014: A jolly good new car game!

I had this great idea, at least I thought it was, for a new car game.  I don't know where it came from... but I thought it was genius.  Pure GENIUS!! In the car as we're driving you must speak with an accent.  Today I chose British.

My passengers (Stephen and Katherine) were not as eager to jump into my little game as I was.  You must speak with your accent until you get to your destination.

I learned a few things during this little game:

  1. I'm more Eliza Doolittle and less Queen Elizabeth. Cockney accent anyone?  
  2. Stephen only knows "bad words". (Examples: Wanka, Bloody Hell... the list went On. and On. and On. We did have to tell Katherine after her third "wanka" that it was a "grown up word" and she couldn't use it. Oh Bloody Hell... Tomorrow I'll end up with a call from school!) 
  3. As time went on my accent got better. Still totally Cockney but MAN I sounded GOOOOOOOD. (My passengers did not agree... I think they have a hearing problem.) 
  4. Stephen nearly jumped out of the moving car to avoid my accent. I now know how to clear a room. :) :) :) 
  5. Katherine chose precisely the time we stopped accents to start her own. (Girl always has to have the last word. People, that used to be MY job!!)
I'm looking forward to the next accent... I don't think it'll be PC but it will be fun. *snicker*

Photo of the Day
I agree Eliza.  I agree. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20, 2014: Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!!!

We started off the day in a quiet way.  Slow moving about. :) Katherine had quite the Easter haul this year. The bunny brought baskets from her cousin (and Godfather), her Aunt and grandparents. He also brought his own basket and of course hid that for Katherine to find. 

Goodies that the Easter Bunny delivered from the family. 

After eating some candy and starting our dinner we got ready to head to brunch.  Katherine didn't like the outfit selection I'd made for her. Stephen (exasperated) gave her free reign to dress herself. This is what she came up with. 

I selected the dress & sweater. She selected the rest. And combed her hair. 
We had brunch with great friends!  Katherine got to play outside, go for an Easter egg hunt and play softball! She had a BLAST!! Enough that she passed out on the short drive home. 

The sisters came over for dinner and we hung out on the sofa for a few hours.  Great family day!!!  I hope all of you had a wonderful day too! xo

Some photos from today. 

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April 19, 2014: There's BIG news from Oxy Clean!!

Be on the lookout folks: There's "big news from Oxy Clean". Katherine has instructed us that we need to find the "stuff you put in the washing machine". Another Oxy Product to look out for at the store. Lucky us.

Today was a busy day.  We dyed eggs, baked a bunch and sampled way too much of the raw products (and then of course the completed products to ensure they were okay!).  In the evening Stephen and I had a date night while K had kids night out at Little Gym.  She had a blast and we had a wonderful evening together. Little Italian dinner and then took a drive and hung out at Barnes and Noble with a coffee. All in all a pretty perfect day!!

Photos from today!

Dying Easter eggs. Getting a lesson on using the egg lifter outer thingy. 

Waiting... OOOOHHHHH the waiting!!! :) 

Two books seen at Barnes & Noble.
I will admit to snorting laughing seeing the two together. 

Little Prep work!! 

Easter Cake #1 

Easter Cake #2

The bunny hid K's Easter basket in the DRYER!!
Say Whhaaaa??? 

the Bunny brought baskets & treats from other family members too!
Quite a haul of treats!
We think she'll need help consuming it.

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014: Good Friday

Today is Good Friday.

At dinner Katherine and I were talking about what Good Friday means. Explaining to a 5 year old crucifixion, rising from the dead, tombs, shrouds and persecution was a wee bit tough but we managed through. I'll admit to totally throwing in the towel when it came to tying the Easter Bunny and Easter baskets to His dying.  Thanks to Siri we pulled something out but it was sketchy at best there folks. Really sketchy. She still thinks I'm 19 (about to turn 20) and pretty much believes most of what I say unless she thinks Daddy knows better. Given we were both feeding off of one another's web of craziness she didn't question it. (What did throw me is that kids at school are already telling her the Easter Bunny isn't real.  WTC? Seriously people. She's 5. Back off!!!)

We decided that we would watch the Vespers services tonight that our Cathedral streams online.  It allowed us to explain some things to her as we went through the service.

The highlight of my night was after we watched the service we went upstairs and re-read the scriptures from the Reading tonight from her children's bible.  Stephen and I took turns reading it to her and she was very much interested in learning all about it. A special family moment!!

Here are today's photos!

Good Friday fasting means only one thing for food option: Fish!!!
KK photo bombing! 

Apparently she "did clean off her face!!!!" *said with exasperation*
 That would be black paint around her eye.

We came home from dinner and she immediately went upstairs to get "dressed for church".
Nothing's halfway with this girl when it comes to style! (complete with flower in her hair)

Okay... so maybe there is half way. #blacksocks

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17th: OxyClean, Sales & I told you so's.

Yesterday I posted the conversation below on FB. 

*In the car after school* 
K: Mom are you going to Michaels this week?
Me: I don't think so. Why?
K: There's a big Easter Sale. I think you should go.
Me: How do you know there's a sale on Easter stuff?
K: (my teachers) iPad told me.  And it's an Easter Sale. Not a sale on Easter stuff. 
Me: It's the same thing.
K: No it's not. That's not what they said. 
Me: *turns up the car radio* Let's just enjoy each other's company. 

Mom won. 
Yes, I take pride in this.  
Judge me if you must. 

Please note the 50% off sales behind Ms. Thing! 

Photo #2 (+ Video Bonus)
During all of the snow days this year (count em: 6) Katherine did what Stephen and I did in our childhood... camped out in our PJs in front of the TV.  (She watched Sprout.  I watched Nickelodeon.)  Following each one of these days I received suggestions of cleaning products that we should try. OxyClean. Scrubbing Bubbles. Oh and lest we not forgot the #!#$@!#$ slippers that flip up when you walk or the pillow thing that let's you stuff it.  Sure thing.  Well... Our girl saw the OxyClean commercial so many times that now whenever she sees it in the store she breaks out in the OxyClean man voice. Yes. I laugh. Every.single.time.  

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A post a day... Let's give this a whirl

Been a while... blah blah... long time... stuff's happened... been busy... K's growing fast... yada yada.

My trouble with blogging is I feel like I have to tell you a bunch of stuff and I don't seem to have enough hours in the week or brain cells at the end of the day (or week) to tell you.

So... I had a friend give me an idea that I'm going to try.  *Try* friends & family is the operative word here so work with me. :) Here's where you say... Do tell Darlene... What is this thing you're going to try?

A photo a day... Of K, of us, of something that happened, we did... whatever.  Just a photo a day.  With caption.  No caption.  long story. no story.  Whatever strikes the moment or I have time for.  :) I'd say how hard could it be but... I'd rather not ask such a silly question and get an answer I don't want.

So here goes. April 16, 2014. Bonus: two photos!

Today was Gymnastics night.  They call this a dismount something something.
The net was K was upside down on a balance beam... kind of. Go KK!!!! 
Bonus Photo: Humor for the Kindergarten class. do you think they'll get it?
doesn't matter. I was quite amused with myself. :) 
As an aside I do want to commemorate that this is the 3rd anniversary since Tornado Tom, yeah, I named it today, came swirling down Serendipity.  Time to remember the many blessings around us and cherish the friends and family that supported us through those weeks/months following.  Much love to you!! You know who you are!! xo