Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'll take "P" week every week, please.

Each week at school Katherine learns about a different letter of the alphabet. On Friday's the show-and-share theme is the letter of the week.

I'll admit to having anxiety over show-and-share day. I have it marked on my calendar each week with 2 days advanced reminder so I can start to think about things that Katherine can take. Choices, if you will. I've resorted numerous times to doing google searches for "things that start with [insert letter here] for show-and-share". Sometimes it helps. Sometimes it fails me miserably.

There's a lot of pressure as a Mom to get this right.  Pressure put on by the three year old.  Each Friday as she gets in the car, or when she comes home, she gives the run-down of everyone's show and share items. Sometimes it will be "so and so didn't bring a show and share today. they cried." Oh dear. Or, so and so brought a doll for show and share. Ms [teacher] told her that didn't start with L.

As the girl who used to get teased in school, I don't want my child to be the one teased. Note: I also don't want her to be the one teasing either!!! In either case... I have this pressure to make sure I get it right.

This week is P week. I thought about 30 different things she could bring for P week. We've been thinking about P week for about a month now. It started when we were talking about my brother and his job. He's a police officer. < P!!!! So we asked him to take a picture of himself in uniform. Score. THEN, at Christmas when we were in NJ, Katherine saw our cousin Gerry. He's a PILOT. Holy smokes. Another P. Now we've got a competition going. We can't take Gerry and Uncle Jason to school.  Although we did consider that momentarily but we weren't sure they'd fit in her backpack.

We decided pictures of both would be great. Holy smokes. Did you notice P!!!! PICTURES!!! Awesome. As I was getting the pictures ready to post to a certain store so I could go pick them up I noticed several other pictures that I thought might be fun. Katherine as a princess. Opening presents. With pumpkins. Striking a pose.... Okay - Idea. What if we print all of the pictures and put them in a photo album. (You see how you can get so caught up on P words... photo album... another one.)

When I told Katherine tonight that we had tons of stuff she could take for show-and-share, she reminded me of the rule that "you can only take ONE thing in for show-and-share mommy". Yes, dear. I know. I'm a rule follower too. =)

So we prepared our ONE thing but managed to get a bunch of P words/items factored in this week.

Here's Katherine showing me her show-and-share item for P week.

*Note, all photos were inserted by katherine into the album. I printed and let her pick which pictures she wanted to use. =)

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