Today S had to leave to go on a trip to Pittsburgh. Generally this means some kind of "girls night" for K and I. (Enter Moes for dinner or some other such event.) So K asked, "mommy, what are we going to do tonight?" I'm sure expecting that we'd go out for dinner... I'm not sure why I said it, but I said, "how about we have a dance party?" What that meant? No idea. How does one do that? No idea. Given I didn't know, I was pretty sure she didn't either.
I pick her up from school and as soon as I get there I am asked "mommy, are we going to have a dance party tonight?!" Hm. Okay. So she remembered. *Actually, no shock there... You can't put anything past this kid!!!*
After a stop at Target (and Starbucks so she could get "a cup of coffee" AKA hot chocolate), we arrive home and eat some dinner. She can't WAIT to have her dance party... And so it begins.
We have a playlist that she and I sometimes sing and dance to. It consists of true party songs... Okay. For us. Judge if you must but we can rock-OUT to these songs... (Last one is a come down from crazy-ville song.)
Our playlist *tada*:
1. Tonight Tonight (Hot Chelle Rae)
2. California Gurls (Katy Perry) ~ Note: We change the words to "Carolina Gurls" oh whoa whoa
3. Party in the U.S.A. (Miley Cyrus)
4. Mickey (Toni Basil)
5. Walk Like an Egyptian (The Bangles)
6. Bust A Move (Glee Cast Version)
7. Lean on Me (Glee Cast Version)
27 minutes of singing and dancing. And that's what we did tonight. We took turns dancing... Fortunately K doesn't know how to record holding still so there's no video of me, but there is of her. She's combining the best of her tap, ballet and straight up mommy shakin' bootie moves. I say... "Shake whatcha momma gave you girl!!!" She says... "OH YEAH!!!"
Makin memories folks... Makin memories. =)
Tonight, Tonight
Carolina Gurls
Walk Like an Egyptian
PS: Tonight as I put her to bed she asked when she could have her next dance party. =) SUCCESS!! <3
This is the sweetest ever! and you are right, you are making beautiful memories :)
you are making beautiful memories ,loved this post,you might check your links to the utube
they dont work ,have to cut and paste them.
I know UD. I keep trying to get the links to work but for some reason I can't get it to import them as links.
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