Today a blog launched for the company I work for, that I will be a primary contributor for. I received some "incentive mail" from a loving family member highlighting the fact that I don't update the family blog how can I keep up with another one. My response: The other one pays part of the mortgage! =)
So I'll take the challenge... At least for now. I can't promise I'll do the fancy photo albums, etc etc that I work endlessly on =P but I will give you some content. I think. If I can remember it.
There have been so many times lately that I've thought ooohhhh I so need to tell everyone about K saying that. And then 2 hours later I think, what the heck was it she said?! Aw, crap. I should have written it down. But then I never do. *sigh* Maybe I need a vitamin or something? Or maybe I just need more sleep. Yeahhhh, more sleep, THATs it!!
Lately K has been telling LOTS of stories about her Grandma and Helen (AKA Aunt Helen). She talks to both on the phone and after which has stories beyond stories. She's quite creative. Apparently Grandma loooooves flying in airplanes. Blue ones. (Grandma, did you know this?!) She also said that Grandma loooooves milkshakes. (True) *Aunt* Helen evidently was at work this week and had trick or treat candy for us. Peanut butter cups and gummies. Aunt Helen may have had some of that candy... I'm just not sure she's holding it for us! =P The stories are amusing and each time we call Grandma or Aunt Helen for her to share these stories she goes silent on us. The girl straight up stops talking. As I write this I'm getting a brilliant thought... Maybe that's what I do when I want a little quiet time?! We call Grandma or Aunt Helen... Virtual sitter?! mmm. Yeah, you're probably right - it should at least be via webcam! What? That's not what you were thinking? Oh.
I also think somehow we're raising a Valley Girl. Honestly, I don't know where she gets the "like" thing from. "it's like not good." "Like, I don't know." There are things I take full credit (read: blame) for, but this isn't one of them. Daddy teaches her HOOYAH and I teach her EEEEK. Daddy teaches her "whoa sailor!!" and I teach her "holy smokes". I get it. She'll repeat me... but LIKE?! Sweet lawd. And is it even possible to have a southern valley girl?! And for the record, no I don't think this has anything to do with my cheerleading. I mean, like totally, I didn't talk like that! "Yikes" << Totally me!!
Like, take a look at some pics y'all. ;) HOOYAH

Pumpkin Carving with the K family! =)

Our masterpiece. Yeah, we went classic. K was totalllllly not into scooping out the inside. She shrieked and moved away. :-/

This one is for Lexi... She was yelling GOOOO ECU!!! =)

Fashionista? mmhhmmm

giggles at the JDRF walk

Cuddling with Daddy

I've decided this should be my seesdor's next doggie training volunteer gig. Sooo cute & sweet!

Our very own "wolf pack woohoo girl"

Working from home with Mommy (This was after hours BTW.)


Attitude? Like, totally!! =)
D, S & K
Like, this was totally awesome! Thanks for the update ....finally ;)
yayyy for Katherine! Love the ECU ghost!!!
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