That would be the Jamaican Bobsled team on top of our super cool Carrier HVAC units. mmhhhmmm *wink wink* I am VERY happy to report after 46 days we have a wonderful new HVAC system. They're pretty. No really. They are. I look at them compared to what we had before and they're runway gorgeous I tell ya.
This was our first repair, post tornado, completed. I'm pretty sure the owner of the HVAC company is quite finished with us. Edit. Not us: Stephen. I usually get the rap for being the PIA however in this instance... Not me. ;) SA might have completed his HVAC apprentice hours after how much time he spent asking questions. I'm just glad it wasn't me.
As for other progress, last week we had another adjuster from our lovely insurance company and my new BFF from Carolina Restoration and one of his BFFs come over for a family meeting. We needed to resolve the 40k difference between the first adjusters estimate and CR. We thought we were going to be in for trouble because the latest adjuster was not what we would have described as Mr Friendly on the phone. In the end though he was a pretty nice guy. At least I think he will be once he sends us the additional 40k check.
As a result of our family meeting we learned that we will be getting a a whole new roof (not just half). WHEW and YAYY! Mr Friendly said the estimate made sense and was okay. He used phrases like "remove the minimums" and "depreciation adjustments" that would be resolved later (which he later told me to forget he ever explained... good thing too because I nodded and pretended I understood and planned to Google it later!) and other such phrases that fortunately the CR gents understood. I tried to stay quiet and listen. You all know how hard that was for me. ;) I'm the one used to being in the fray fixing things and mediating. This time I needed to count on someone else to do that for me. The guys at Carolina did us proud and again confirmed our decision to contract with them.
On Friday one of the subs from CR came to measure the windows so that they could be ordered. He said he'd be the one doing the roof, windows and siding. Another super nice guy. More progress!!! Now that we have HVAC, I can be a little more patient with outdoor repairs.
This weekend I think we are going to go "window shopping" for some new living room furniture. I don't think we're going to replace it until we have the new windows installed and the bulk of the interior repairs are completed. (i.e. painting, carpeting, etc.) It'll be a test of my patience if we do see something we like, but I'll try to be tough. ;) Maybe we'll do a little more window shopping for a new grill too. :) SA's looking at an infrared grill. Apparently it's "cool". ;)
I hope all of you had a great Memorial Day. I'm proud to have so many members of our family serve in the various branches of the US Military. My Dad in the Navy; Stephen's Dad in the Army; My sisters Nikki & Sofi in the Army and our nephew Justin in the Army. We're proud of you and all that you do to protect our freedom!! xoxo
To celebrate the holiday we took refuge in Myrtle Beach with my cousin Cheryl and her fiance Jay. It was a great weekend with lots of fun. We went to the Memorial Day parade on Saturday. K was sooooo excited that they threw candy. She even scored a small flag from one of the Shriner floats when she blew them kisses. Stephen was excited by the Ocean W@ter Sports float. Multiple girls in bikinis. 'Nuff said. I liked the men in uniform. oohhweee!!! :) *was that out loud?* ;) The parade was followed by a walk then lunch on the boardwalk and a trip to Broadway on the Beach. Frozen beverages at both.
Sunday we went to the beach for several hours. The water was surprisingly very nice. K enjoyed jumping the waves and confirmed that this year she will be trouble in the water. The girl is FEAR-LESS!!! She was sitting in the water and a wave came and splashed her face, twice, and she thought it was the funniest thing. Last year water in the face would have meant she was done. This year... AGAIN AGAIN. Yeesh.
As I close this update 46 days into our journey, I ask that you please keep the victims of the Missouri and Alabama tornados in your prayers. While our relief is happening, theirs is no doubt is moving at a very slow pace.
Dar, SA & KK
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