Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Quick Update

It's kind of late but I wanted to make sure I posted something today about our progress. Especially since in the last few hours of the day I feel like we made some pretty significant strides towards getting repairs done.

Two big pieces of news today:

First, the reason this blog posting is going to be short is we spent much of the night going through the pictures we took over the last three days for the adjuster. At 4pm today the insurance adjuster called to schedule our appointment to come to our house. I can't tell you how relieved this made me. They'll be coming over tomorrow afternoon (4/20) and we hope after that meeting we'll know more.

Second, a few minutes ago our neighbor called to tell us that the power company is at our house (yes 9:15pm) and just installed a box for our electricity. We *think* we now have electricity. YAYYYYYY!!!!!! We'll find out for sure tomorrow.

Two awesome things.

Tomorrow we plan to talk to the appraiser and see what his recommendations are regarding lodging, in addition to all of the other things. Initially we thought we'd check out of the hotel and go home right away now that we have power. After thinking about it a little more rushing immediately back into the house before we've been able to get all of the glass and fiberglass up probably isn't the best idea. From there, we'll figure out what to do next.

Again, many thanks for the prayers, offers for help, and concern. We're doing okay. Today was the most difficult day (emotionally) for me, out of the last three, but given the progress made towards the end of the day and into this evening I'm feeling much better tonight. =)

Darlene, Stephen & KK

Another Video: http://www.wral.com/weather/video/9462784/
Some additional information: During this broadcast they mention the baseball cards that were literally on every property on our block. I've been told that the collector had been saving the cards all his life. He had quite a collection. On Saturday the kids of the neighborhood wanted to help. Someone suggested that they be tasked to finding baseball cards to give back to the owner. On Sunday the kids collected more than 500 cards and helped clean up debris in the process and presented them back to the owner. Today we were told that someone found an autographed mickey mantle card in their yard. Of course the card is damaged but the sentiment was there when it was returned. People are amazingly kind.

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