Last year’s Easter consisted of a couple of pieces of chocolate (more for Stephen and I than for Katherine) and some pictures with a basket – of which Katherine really didn’t quite understand.
This year was different. Katherine didn’t quite understand “the Easter Bunny” and since sitting with Santa didn’t go so well we didn’t venture out for Easter Bunny pictures. She did however very much understand hunting for Easter eggs, chocolate and a basket full of goodies. Particularly in that mix: chocolate. And Easter eggs filled with chocolate?? Holy Heaven.
The events started on Thursday at school. She had her first Easter egg hunt. I attempted to go to the hunt but alas… the teacher’s conducted the event prior to the posted time. To say I was disappointed at missing it… Understatement. And the teachers upon my arrival said, “Katherine LOVED hunting for eggs!! She was soooo excited!” *sniff sniff* says a bummed Mommy. Her first Easter egg hunt and I missed it!! Then I enamored the teachers when Katherine had a complete melt down when I was leaving and she wasn’t leaving with me. Oh yeah… good scene!
Tootsie & Pop came to NC to visit for the holiday. We went to Spring Lake to visit Aunt Nikki and the Rents on Saturday. Big day of dying eggs!! Katherine had lots of fun plopping (and I do mean plopping) eggs into the little containers of dye. (Note: you can use rice vinegar if you don’t have regular vinegar!) Upon conclusion of dying eggs Katherine had dye on her face, hands and arms and I had it all over my hands and arms. Fortunately none on my face or WHITE SHIRT!! (what WAS I thinking!?)
Sunday morning Katherine woke up and really didn’t understand my excitement of “The Easter bunny came!!! The Easter bunny came!!!” but she went with it. Good girl. When she saw the baskets on the dining room table however… SHE GOT IT!!! There were three baskets. One basket filled with a couple of things of chocolate (in sealed tubes) and some little trinket-like toys (stickers, bubbles, bath froggy poof thing, etc.). Another basket that had plastic easter eggs – each with a Hershey kiss inside (another what WAS I thinking moment occurred later with said eggs) and the third basket was the “stuff left over basket) and each of our chocolate bunnies. The stuff left over consisted of a couple of Butterfinger eggs and Hershey kisses.
Within moments Katherine found the Hershey kisses. You see, for her school hunt I had filled 60 eggs with various pieces of chocolate for the kids. Hershey kisses and solid chocolate pieces. She had her first Hershey kiss then and instantly fell in love. Her inner Hellen Keller emerged and she signed “more more more more more” over and over again till I finally had to act like a grown up and say… “No more!!!!” Now we’re at Easter morning and nanoseconds into her behind hitting the table she found one, had it opened and it was in her mouth. We laughed. I took a picture… next thing ya know there’s (seriously) a pile of little wrappers in front of her. I moved the basket with the loose candy in it. The pile grew… What the?!?! The little turkey had figured out that the plastic eggs had kisses in them! She was (quickly & stealthily) opening up the egg, grabbing the kiss and dumping the egg back into the basket. While Stephen and I both were standing there… and we both missed it THREE times. Watch your wallets gents… girl’s quick!!!!
A little later in the day Tootsie, Pop and Aunt Nikki arrived and Tootsie & Pop went outside to hide the 40+ eggs I’d filled for Katherine… all with chocolate. I know. I know. I know. In my head it seemed like a good idea. Katherine was a girl on a mission with those eggs. Each one she found went something like this: “ooohhhhhh yaaaay…” *shake shake shake* (to verify chocolate was inside) inside of basket it goes… “ooooooohhhhhh Yaaaaay” *shake shake shake*…. 40+ times. On two occasions she decided to sample the chocolate inside. One time she realized that the chocolate was melting so she ate it holding it with the kiss wrapper. (A little of the wrapper ended up in her mouth… we considered it some added protein.)
The rest of the day the family hung out and awaited the appointed time for feeding… Butterfinger Pie and scrumptious macaroni and cheese were highlights of the evening. At least for Katherine and I. =)
This year was so much fun… I can only imagine how much fun next year will be!!! We’re thinking of staging egg hunts once a month (without chocolate) just for fun!! Ooooooohhhhhh yaaaaaay *shake shake… what the?!?!*
A digital scrapbook by Smilebox |
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