Sunday, April 25, 2010

Two Towns and a Burg

Last week we took a family vacation. Our first family vacation with just the three of us. We weren’t sure what to expect. Each of the trips we’ve been on before have either been short weekend trips or we had back-up. Yeah yeah, we were a little bit chicken. I’m happy to report that not only did we have no reason to be concerned, but we had a GREAT time.

The trip itself was a bit last minute. As in up to Friday afternoon that we didn’t know if we were going or not going. We weren’t sure whether work commitments were going to keep us in town or if we were going to be able to escape. Good news: We were able to escape! And it was much needed!!

We decided to go to a timeshare in Williamsburg. The timeshare choices were new timeshare with no facilities on-site or older timeshare with a very small room with all facilities on site. We went with the new timeshare with no facilities. Turned out to be an EXCELLENT choice. We’ll be back there again, no doubt. If you’re looking for a place to go, let us know – we’ll be happy to share the info for the place!
Saturday was our travel day so we didn’t do too much other than drive and go grocery shopping.

Sunday we went to church. It’s was a mission church that was started about 6 months ago. The Priest and Pani have a son that’s a few months older than Katherine. The two had a grand time together! The service was wonderful and the people in the church were very kind and welcoming. I do so love that about the Diocese. I’d hoped to learn a little something about how the mission began – and I did – but I’m not sure we’ll have the same experience! One of the ladies in the congregation had a chat with the Bishop and a few months later a mission starts up in her town. I don’t see that happening in Raleigh! Alas, I’ll have to figure out something else to get us started here in Raleigh…

Between church and the walk around Portsmith that took the day. We did have a rockstar lunch at McDonalds. Church didn’t start till 1pm so we had to fast before then… we left church at around 3:15 and by then Katherine and I were wild. No kidding. Seriously, we were wild. I might have been wilder than Katherine – but it was hard to tell. There’s no question where she gets her food frenzy from.

Monday we started the grass tours. Ya see, I’m not a huge fan of touring grassy fields where you listen to an audio tape or guide that says 200 years ago something happened here , “imagine it…” I can’t. And it’s just grass now. Pretty grass… probably made pretty by all of the bloodshed… but grass nevertheless. Stephen LOVES these tours. So we go. It’s part of the partnership. I knew all about this before we went to the alter so I can’t claim ignorance. *sigh*

On Monday we went to Jamestown. This is one place I would happily go back to. Very cool place, funny, smart and engaging Park Ranger and the highlight of my week – a smart *insert cute* archeologist. The Park Ranger told a story that was modern and yet told the story of ole at the same time. She had me laughing multiple times. The Archeologist was part of an active dig site. He was sharing some of the things they’ve been able to learn through their dig(s) as well as let us not only see but touch things they’d found just that morning. We were able to hold a canon ball that had been underground for 400+ years. Imagine – we were one of the first people to touch something that hadn’t been held by another human for more than 400 years. How cool is THAT?! Katherine was also able to hold the canon ball. Stephen was terrified that she was going to toss it though so he “held” it with her. =) He kept whispering, “don’t get this nice archeologist fired because you want to toss the ball, honey!!!”

Tuesday was Yorktown. There was a lot of grass during this tour but we were able to combat the grass factor with a stop at “Ye Old Ice Cream Shoppe” as I fondly refer to it as. (Others may refer to it as Ben & Jerry’s… tomato, tomato.) There was also a very nice walk through the town. All in all another good day!

Wednesday was a chilly, rainy day… What to do when it’s chilly and rainy?! SHOP!!! We were just down the street from Ye Old Outlet Mall. Yaaaay!!! My favorite experience of the day was taking Katherine into the Coach store. You all know my theory on if she licks something – I have to buy it… I’ve coached her on this routine before and alas, she’s never done it. No no no, she didn’t lick anything that day either but she does totally understand Coach. Stephen took a walk to go to another store (haha SUCKA!!) while K and I went to do a lil shopping. She walked in and gasped (yes, gasped) OH MOMMYYYYY. Then she took off running… grabbing and saying “pretty pretty” to everything she saw. I saw a wrislet I liked and went to look at it. She grabbed it plus two more. Pushed them up her arm and went to the next shelf. Stephen walked in at this point… She saw him and went right over to him saying “buy buy buy Daddy!!!!” aaahhhh: mommy’s girl!!!!

Thursday and Friday we spent the day at Williamsburg. We had a wonderful time there too. Katherine loved running up and down the streets and we (fortunately) kept her out of the horse poop. She was kind of intrigued by it though. Most interesting to her were the horses. She wouldn’t go near them, but she did love to stop and watch them – from her own determined distance. Heaven forbid we try to get her closer.
On both days we had lunch at the Cheese Shop. A wine & cheese plate was the family hit! Daddy drank the wine… K and I had juice and tea respectively.

Saturday we made the trip home. Stephen and I were attending the JDRF Hope Gala so we needed to get back and get jazzed up for the event! A wonderful evening!!

Tomorrow we all head back to the real world. I’m not sure how I’m going to do, let alone Katherine… My girl has slept in every day till at least 9. Some days she slept till 11. 7am is going to come early for her. So, we’ll head back and think about our next family trip together… I can’t wait!!!

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One Year & 562 miles later

This blog update isn’t about Katherine. Or at least not directly. Sorry to disappoint! =) This blog is about something that started for me one year ago. One year ago today I started running. I started with the help and encouragement of some dear friends: T & M and cousins R & K. =)

T’s been a runner for years. T is a working mom of two wonderful little girls and the sweetheart of A. T gets up in the wee hours of the morning before her family wakes and takes to the streets to get some miles in before she starts her day.

M’s an all around get fit kinda girl. She loves running and has taken up Pilates in the last year too. She’s a lady who travels ‘round the country for her career and manages to still get in some runs, regardless of where she is.

Then there’s my cousins: R & K. I think it was about 4 months ago I started seeing their posts about training for a half marathon. Both are career women. Both not only stayed on plan for their half marathon training but both finished their first half marathon about two weeks ago.

Four amazing women, that motivated me more than I can tell you. Four amazing women, that continue to motivate me.

I often think of the words of encouragement from T that she gave during a 5K we ran last fall… It was a run at North Hills. And the name is appropriate. Hills. Burning hills. T was encouraging me by saying things like “you got it girl!!!” “Keep going!!” “Almost there!!” “The mailbox is the summit!! Downhill from there!” When I’m having a particularly rough run I hear T saying those things to me.

M encouraged me to look like a runner. At first I thought it was kinda silly but thought hey – any excuse for some shopping and new clothes… bring it on! It’s made a difference. I really can say that when I dress like a runner – I feel like a runner.

Today as I started my run I thought about me a year ago, and what motivated me. I had an almost one year old little girl. Still had 10 pounds of baby weight hanging around me. I wasn’t exercising and couldn’t figure out how one could go to the gym after work (‘cause ya’ll know me – before work wasn’t happening), work full time and have a husband and daughter that you want to spend every minute you can with. I felt sluggish.

Along came running. It was a way for Katherine and I to have some Mommy/Katherine time and Daddy to have some of what we called “oyster time” (as in the world was his oyster… he could do whatever he wanted with those few hours!) We worked it out.

Today, I’m 18 pounds lighter and about 3 sizes smaller. It's the lowest weight/size I've ever been in my life! My first run on April 25, 2009 was 2.34 miles at a pace of 12:34 per mile. I can tell you this was not a sustainable run. After that I averaged between 1.5 and 2 miles.

Today I ran my longest distance to date: 4.5 miles at a 9:01 pace. In one year’s time I’ve run 562 miles in approximately 92 hours and 12 minutes during 249 runs. I burned 53k calories.

Today, I’m an athlete. Today, I’m proud of myself. Today I say… If I can do it, you can too!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Easter Bunny Came to Raleigh

Last year’s Easter consisted of a couple of pieces of chocolate (more for Stephen and I than for Katherine) and some pictures with a basket – of which Katherine really didn’t quite understand.

This year was different. Katherine didn’t quite understand “the Easter Bunny” and since sitting with Santa didn’t go so well we didn’t venture out for Easter Bunny pictures. She did however very much understand hunting for Easter eggs, chocolate and a basket full of goodies. Particularly in that mix: chocolate. And Easter eggs filled with chocolate?? Holy Heaven.

The events started on Thursday at school. She had her first Easter egg hunt. I attempted to go to the hunt but alas… the teacher’s conducted the event prior to the posted time. To say I was disappointed at missing it… Understatement. And the teachers upon my arrival said, “Katherine LOVED hunting for eggs!! She was soooo excited!” *sniff sniff* says a bummed Mommy. Her first Easter egg hunt and I missed it!! Then I enamored the teachers when Katherine had a complete melt down when I was leaving and she wasn’t leaving with me. Oh yeah… good scene!

Tootsie & Pop came to NC to visit for the holiday. We went to Spring Lake to visit Aunt Nikki and the Rents on Saturday. Big day of dying eggs!! Katherine had lots of fun plopping (and I do mean plopping) eggs into the little containers of dye. (Note: you can use rice vinegar if you don’t have regular vinegar!) Upon conclusion of dying eggs Katherine had dye on her face, hands and arms and I had it all over my hands and arms. Fortunately none on my face or WHITE SHIRT!! (what WAS I thinking!?)

Sunday morning Katherine woke up and really didn’t understand my excitement of “The Easter bunny came!!! The Easter bunny came!!!” but she went with it. Good girl. When she saw the baskets on the dining room table however… SHE GOT IT!!! There were three baskets. One basket filled with a couple of things of chocolate (in sealed tubes) and some little trinket-like toys (stickers, bubbles, bath froggy poof thing, etc.). Another basket that had plastic easter eggs – each with a Hershey kiss inside (another what WAS I thinking moment occurred later with said eggs) and the third basket was the “stuff left over basket) and each of our chocolate bunnies. The stuff left over consisted of a couple of Butterfinger eggs and Hershey kisses.

Within moments Katherine found the Hershey kisses. You see, for her school hunt I had filled 60 eggs with various pieces of chocolate for the kids. Hershey kisses and solid chocolate pieces. She had her first Hershey kiss then and instantly fell in love. Her inner Hellen Keller emerged and she signed “more more more more more” over and over again till I finally had to act like a grown up and say… “No more!!!!” Now we’re at Easter morning and nanoseconds into her behind hitting the table she found one, had it opened and it was in her mouth. We laughed. I took a picture… next thing ya know there’s (seriously) a pile of little wrappers in front of her. I moved the basket with the loose candy in it. The pile grew… What the?!?! The little turkey had figured out that the plastic eggs had kisses in them! She was (quickly & stealthily) opening up the egg, grabbing the kiss and dumping the egg back into the basket. While Stephen and I both were standing there… and we both missed it THREE times. Watch your wallets gents… girl’s quick!!!!

A little later in the day Tootsie, Pop and Aunt Nikki arrived and Tootsie & Pop went outside to hide the 40+ eggs I’d filled for Katherine… all with chocolate. I know. I know. I know. In my head it seemed like a good idea. Katherine was a girl on a mission with those eggs. Each one she found went something like this: “ooohhhhhh yaaaay…” *shake shake shake* (to verify chocolate was inside) inside of basket it goes… “ooooooohhhhhh Yaaaaay” *shake shake shake*…. 40+ times. On two occasions she decided to sample the chocolate inside. One time she realized that the chocolate was melting so she ate it holding it with the kiss wrapper. (A little of the wrapper ended up in her mouth… we considered it some added protein.)

The rest of the day the family hung out and awaited the appointed time for feeding… Butterfinger Pie and scrumptious macaroni and cheese were highlights of the evening. At least for Katherine and I. =)

This year was so much fun… I can only imagine how much fun next year will be!!! We’re thinking of staging egg hunts once a month (without chocolate) just for fun!! Ooooooohhhhhh yaaaaaay *shake shake… what the?!?!*

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