Yes, third. She had December 25, 2008; January 7, 2009 and now December 25, 2009. The girl’s got a good gig going on. To say she makes out well would be an understatement.
This year, like last, we took a trip to Spring Hill, Florida to spend the 25th with my family. The whole crew was together: Tootsie & Pop (AKA Mom & Dad), MomMom, Nicole & Sofia, Jacki and Stephen, Katherine and I. We were missing one person (Chris / AKA Tio). We were sad he wasn’t with us this year (again- ahem) but know he was having a great time with his family. (We missed you Tio!)
We drove down on the 23rd. As we have the last couple of times we’ve driven down, we left in the middle of the night. This lets us get a couple of hours of sleep and Katherine sleeps for a good part of the drive. Or at least used to. We’re not quite sure what happened this time. She was up for nearly the WHOLE drive. I’m pretty sure she was convinced if she slept she’d miss something. We played (a lot) and I’ll admit, we did turn on the Baby Einstein DVD. She watches sans sound and I continue to narrate – on occasion. I can’t take my own voice for that long let alone subject everyone in the car to it. She clearly has “favorite parts” as she claps and gets excited during certain sections. Particularly when the little boy pops out of the camera. I’m not sure what that’s about.
During the drive down we made an experimental stop at Krystal Burger. We’d “heard” that is the southern version of White Castle. I’m here to tell you – not so much so. First, the burgers have mustard on them. Second, they don’t have ketchup on them. Third, they don’t have onion rings. This makes me give the award to worst/best mini burger to (drum roll): White Castle. I haven’t had a White Castle burger in probably 5 years but as I recall they were better than this Krystal thing was. Katherine doesn’t have the same prejudice so she ate her one mini burger and was pretty happy with herself. Yeah, I know. Mom of the year, I probably just took a year off of her life – but it was all part of the Christmas experience this year. =)
For Christmas Eve the whole family took a drive to Orlando to SeaWorld! YAY!!! It was a beautiful day – in fact hot enough that we were all eating ice cream at the end of our day in the park. We saw Shamoo and a Sesame Street Christmas Show. The Shamoo show, as always, was lots of fun. Katherine really digs “the moo” as Stephen calls him. She gets soooo excited when the whales first come out. Little squeals and all. F.U.N. We sat pretty high up to avoid the “splash zone” however MomMom, Nicole & Sofia were right in the splash zone. Apparently wheelchair (or Rascal) zone is also designated splash zone. We were thinking this was kinda wrong – but didn’t want to get wet so we hightailed it up the stands. Fortunately (for them) they didn’t get wet. Although I did hear my Dad yell a few times (more tail Shamoo more tail!!! GET HER!!!) I don’t know what that was about. Hehehe
The Sesame Street show… I’d never been to a character show before. It was what I expected, but apparently a little different than what Stephen expected. He spent most of the show with his hands over his mouth (and occasionally over his eyes) saying something like “oh my goodness – what has happened to my life?” hehehe Katherine was fascinated by the giant characters although she had no idea who they were.
We had a great time at the park and I’m so glad everyone came with us!
Friday was Christmas Day!! As tradition goes we all stay in our PJs for the day. Yep – the whole day!! It’s glorious!! This year was no exception. We were shuffled outside during the unloading of the presents. We didn’t quite understand the need but once we came inside we understood…
In Katherine’s “pile” there were two very special presents that were too big to wrap. One was a rocking chair. The rocking chair was from Aunt Nikki & Aunt Sofi. The chair had been Nicole’s when she was little, so it’s 25+ years old. She had it refinished for Katherine. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. So sweet – and so special. She loves sitting & rocking in it.
The 2nd special present was a baby cradle. Pink and white and oh so cute. Katherine loves rocking her baby in the cradle. I didn’t realize until after all of the presents were opened and everyone was cleaning up that the cradle was made by Pop and painted & decorated by Tootsie. A hand-made baby cradle for their grandbaby. Another sweet, and special present. Both I’m sure will be treasured for a long time to come!
The presents, of course, didn’t end there. Aunt Jacki & Tio got her a new VTech laptop (that has a keyboard AND mouse) and MomMom got her a lego table. Lots of other clothes, toys, etc. complimented her day! She is quite a lucky little girl. All this, and Santa hasn’t even come yet!!!
The rest of the day we spent hanging out together. Some slept on the floor (Nikki, Sofi & Jacki) – others found their way to a bed (Dad) some played with our presents (Stephen & I) while Mom did what she always does – and took care of everyone’s food needs!! (THANK YOU!!!) and MomMom called the family to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Great day!!
On Saturday we decided to go on an adventure. (Stephen’s idea.) It’s orange season you see. At first he wanted to go “pick oranges”. And we had several suggestions from friends to hit up this or that abandon yard where there was an orange tree. I contemplated those suggestions but figured he’d catch on to it not being an “orange farm”. He’s quick like that. Instead we found a place where he couldn’t pick – but it was an orange farm. Quite an eclectic place we found. It’s been around for decades – and I do think some of the “stuff” in the place has been there since it opened. Stephen coaxed me there with the advertisement of ice cream. They may have had ice cream there in 1928 but none that day. =( We did get some delicious oranges. One week later we have two left – and we came home with about 15!
Sunday we made the trip home… it was long, but worth it since we got to spend three days with the family. It’s during these family times that I’m reminded how blessed I am. I have a wonderful husband, happy, sweet little girl and a loving family… What more could a girl ask for?
Lots of pictures…
Holiday Photos 2009
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
General December Photos
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Christmas Eve at SeaWorld
Make a Smilebox photobook |
December 25th Pictures
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
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