It’s hard to believe that two years ago, on Thanksgiving, we made multiple phone calls to the family to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving and tell them that we were having a baby. There are moments that I look at our little person and can’t believe she’s almost a year and a half old. She really has become quite a little person. She’s got her own personality, expressions, likes & dislikes.
Thanksgiving this year was a little quieter than last year. We celebrated with my sister Nicole and our Sofi. =) Plenty of food… and I think lots of bonding! Especially during the “cooking “part of the event. I’m proud to report, for the first time in ten (yes, folks TEN) years we made edible stuffing. Okay, scratch that – I MADE EDIBLE STUFFING. Yeah yeah yeah!! *dancing* I’ll admit I wasn’t keen on the suggestion. On Wednesday night Stephen started a conversation that went something like:
Stephen: “For 10 years I’ve made stuffing and for ten years it’s not worked out”
Darlene: “mmmhhhmmm”
Stephen: “I think it’s me.”
Darlene: “so you think you’re the common denominator causing it to fail?”
Stephen: “mmmmhhhmmm. I think you should make it this year.”
Darlene: “oh really?”
Stephen: “Yes.”
End of conversation. Well apparently that was interpreted as:
Darlene: “Stephen, I’d really like it if you’d let me make the stuffing this year.”
Stephen: “why, you think I make crappy stuffing?”
Darlene: “No, honey. I’m just saying I’ll make it this year.”
Stephen: “Ok.”
(Note: Earlier text was the actual conversation. Interpretation… Craziness.)
I’m pleased to report that I did make the stuffing – and I gotta say – It R.O.C.K.E.D. Maybe he was the one causing it to be crunchy. Ok. I’ll take the stuffing from now on.
Katherine… not a fan of the whole turkey dinner thing. Seriously, I think the girl is anti meat. Unless it’s the chicken from sweet & sour chicken from the local Chinese restaurant. (For real, she eats that like it’s chocolate.) What she did like, quite a bit actually, was the homemade cranberry sauce. She looooooved it till Daddy tried to trick her and mix it with a piece of turkey. Bad call Daddy. Bad call.
Friday was our annual tradition of Black Friday shopping. Spreadsheets, flyers & coupons in hand we headed out at 3:30am. I’d been up since 1:30am shopping online. No, folks I didn’t get up specifically at 1:30 to shop – I just couldn’t sleep… not for lack of trying. (I was really quite sad about the inability to sleep.) We did eight stores… home by 9am. Yay! Best deal… 82% off the original price. Yeahhhh you like our cheapness, don’t ya?
Saturday… another tradition. Christmas tree shopping in Boone, NC! We learned from last year: take snacks and the truck. No minivan. We also learned that Christmas tree shopping in the rain – not quite sooo much fun as Christmas tree shopping sans rain.
This was our third year going… (year #1 shall not be spoken of… I refuse.) We decided that we would get two trees this year. Yes, we might be overcompensating for lack of a real tree in our youth. We know that – Admitting it is step one, right?
We found two awesome trees. Quite pleased is an understatement. I heart them both. Katherine did great during the trip although she wasn’t a fan of the whole climbing a mountain thing. To be honest, climbing a mountain holding 20+ pounds of little girl – A little daunting too. Fortunately it wasn’t wet and slippery like it was last year. (whew!) She did manage to stand on her own shortly and we (I) quickly snapped some pictures.
Monday Katherine and I were planning on going to the Kids Museum but apparently Monday’s are no-goes at the Museum (they’re closed). So plan B was head to the mall and run around. Which we did. We had fun. We went to the Disney store and looked at all of the stuffed animals, Build A Bear… (couldn’t bring myself to fork over $18 for something she wouldn’t remember doing… so we’ll hold off on that – for now!) and the Lego store (huge hit). The Lego store she even got a little purchase that she was quite excited by. She ran around the mall holding her bag and showing it to everyone. She enticed many an “oooohhh my goodness look how cute & happy she is!!!” mmm, yes she is… thank you. =)
Coming up… hopefully family picture time (make a note Stephen…) and a visit with Santa. We waved & blew kisses at Santa while we were in the mall. I’m hoping she’s getting familiar with him so it won’t be so scary when she’s on his lap. I think I’m kidding myself… but I can dream, can’t I?
Pictures from Christmas Tree Shopping
Make a Smilebox photobook |
Other pictures
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
A video (Katherine showing how she "signs" running... Could also be mocking Mommy.)
Make a Smilebox greeting |
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