Thursday, August 13, 2009

We went Norf

Oh what a week… Sing it with me! To say that the last week has been busy would truly be an understatement.

The week started off with some very sad news. My step-father (John) passed away on August 2nd. He was a man who deeply loved my mother and would have done anything for her. He had a very kind heart & will be missed by many.

Services for John were scheduled for August 10th. This was two days after a Cooper-Robinson family reunion that I’d been helping plan with one of my cousins. Stephen and I decided we’d break up the journey North by going from NC to Maryland to NJ. We thought for sure this would be easier on Katherine. Needless to say it make for QUITE a trip.

Friday we started our journey North. A trip that should have taken 4.5 hours took 11. To say there was attitude in the car would be an understatement. And it wasn’t from Katherine, or me! Katherine and I sat in the backseat watching Baby Einstein… over… and over… and over… and over (you get the point) again. Because I feared being left on the side of 95N if I asked Stephen to switch the radio to the DVD, I narrated the video… over… and over… and over. The first time Katherine watches it with audio she’s going to think it’s a whole new movie. “ooohhh look Katherine!! A train!! What’s a train do?? Choo choo!!! Chuga chuga chuga chuga choo choo!!! T-R-A-I-N… Train!!!” Oh yeah. I’m a master narrator. Be jealous of my skill!!

Upon arrival in Annapolis (home of hotties in uniform) we unloaded the car & proceeded directly to the mall next to our hotel for food. We learned during our walk & evening meal that Katherine is as big a sucker for a guy in uniform as her mother. With one difference, SHE gets attention. (Harumpf.) It was parent’s weekend for the incoming freshman at the Naval Academy. While they were a little young for me, they were quite appealing to Katherine. I just kept begging her not to TOUCH them. Ug. White uniform & messy toddler REALLY don’t mix. Fortunately she settled with blowing kisses, giggling and playing peek-a-boo. She not only suckered the plebes, she usually suckered their dad’s in too. We kept telling them, she’s like an animal at the zoo. You feed her… She’ll keep coming back for more. Most were very kind and continued to feed the beast. =)

Saturday was the big Cooper-Robinson family reunion. My cousin and I had been planning the event for the last 9 months or so. We held it at a park in Annapolis, as a park is about the only place that can handle the volume of people and provide an array of activities for all ages. (Ages ranged 14 months to 80+) The park had all of the requirements: grill, beach, big grassy field for games, parking that was pretty close & bathrooms right next to our pavilion. (Helpful for the 65+ age group. =)

One thing you can count on when you put 100+ Irish together… alcohol. And it was a mighty hot day!! Fortunately no one over-imbibed and the day was very nice. There was a TON of food and I believe everyone had a really nice time. (See Cooper-Robinson Reunion album for pictures)

Sunday we continued our journey North. We got a hotel room in Edison NJ. We figured if we were heading North we’d stop and visit Stephen’s family too. Stephen’s Mom, Aunt Helen & sister Patty came to the hotel to visit with Katherine for a bit, prior to going out for dinner. Katherine got all sorts of new toys. All of which she’s enjoyed playing with since. The talking doggie “spoke” all the way home from Cape May to Raleigh. Oh yeah!!

We all went out for dinner & met up with Stephen’s other sister Mary Ellen & her family. We went to a place called Harold’s. You may have been there before, or perhaps read it about it or seen it on TV. It’s a pretty amazing place. They make the biggest sandwiches, cakes, éclairs, etc. you’ve ever seen. A sandwich typically feeds 5-6 people. (See Aleksza Family Visit album for pictures) We ended up ordering three sandwiches so we could accommodate everyone’s culinary desires. We had ham, turkey, pastrami, corned beef, roast beef… a plethora of meats! Basically the sandwiches are giant cold cut platters that they “sandwich” between a couple of slices of bread. I *think* everyone had a good time. We certainly did. We really enjoyed visiting with everyone.

Monday morning we headed down to Cape May for the services. The preacher gave a nice eulogy and gave everyone in the room a thing or two to think about.
After the services we started the trip back home to Raleigh. We left Cape May at around 3:30pm and arrived home shortly before midnight. We stopped twice: Once for gas and a diaper change (Katherine, not Stephen) and another time to change Katherine for bed & find a little grub. All in all that ride was pretty uneventful.

Tuesday was back to the routine for the whole family. We’re looking forward to a little down time this weekend! I think we all need to catch up on some sleep. And you know this family… we’re all about some napping!! =)

Katherine’s still toddling along on the walking. Tonight we took a walk out front. She walked from our house to the neighbor’s house and back. With assistance of course. It took us 20 minutes. She was pretty mindful of everything she was passing. She blew kisses to cars, grass, mailboxes, her Daddy, me, flowers… anything she saw. She really likes walking out of daycare in the evening too. I think a little bit of it is the “See ya suckas!!!” coming out of her as she tries to run out. But again, she’s blowing kisses and waving goodbye to everyone. And at 5:45 in a daycare that closes at 6pm… there are a lot of kids & parents to do that to. It takes us awhile to get out. =) I’m still working on some video. We aren’t that great at staging it. Ok. Frankly, we stink at it. I promise, you’ll get some before she heads off to Kindergarten.

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Cooper-Robinson Reunion
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Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Aleksza Family Visit
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Click to play this Smilebox photobook: Road Trip
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