On Sunday evening after quite an evening of tantrums, food fights & just general battle of the wills, as I was counting down (17 minutes) to bedtime Katherine did something that made the previous 3 hours of willfullness melt away. She took her first steps. She walked about 3 feet all by herself!!
Picture it... Raleigh, NC. July 26, 2009. Katherine and I are in the family room. Stephen's standing on the sparkly new tiled kitchen floor. I put Katherine in front of me so she can stand. She's about 3 feet away. I'm sitting in front of her and she just walked towards me. Stephen and I look at each other and yelp. (I don't know how else to describe the sounds we made.) I hug & kiss her cheer YAY KATHERINE. I then do what any parent in my position would do. I moved her back and said "DO IT AGAIN!!! DO IT AGAIN!!!" She did.
A proud moment indeed. I spent the next 25 minutes (notice that is past her previous 17 minutes counted to bedtime) trying to get her to do it so we could get it on video. She tried. Really she did. I think we wore her out. Stephen kept telling me, "She's not an animal who performs on queue!!" I don't understand him when he speaks like that. All I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher "wa wa wa wa wa wa".
In any event, here are a couple of videos of FrankenNugget (Stephen's nickname for her). I prefer "My little Penguin". She's so cute!! (Yeah yeah, we're starting the therapy fund now.)
PS - I apologize in advance for the "grainy-ness" of the videos. They were taken with my cell phone. :)
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