Tonight I had a Mommy moment. You know, one of those moments. Hallmark cards are written about them. Lifetime movies commemorate them... Ok. So maybe, not that dramatic but it was big for me.
Tonight I was feeding Katherine before bedtime. Normally Stephen feeds her the bedtime bottle, but tonight I got to do it. She's so snuggly, smells yummy and just so scrumptious!! We were listening to You are My Sunshine. She had her head on my shoulder and she was awake, but pretty sleepy. When the song was over she looked up at me and put her mouth to mine. She gave me a kiss..... A sweet sweet bedtime kiss. After we were singing my favorite lullaby to her. What did I do? I cried. Big Mommy tears. She's six months old today... and I can't believe it. It's been six months since she was born. It seems like yesterday.... Everyone said it would go fast, but I didn't understand it.
So what happened this week... First, Happy 6 month birthday Katherine!!! Can you believe it?!
On Friday, we had our Holiday Party for work. Nikki came over to babysit little miss. Before we left I showed Nicole where the bottles were, her (Katherine's) PJs, and showed her where all of the emergency numbers were. Then I thought... Hm. Has Nikki ever changed a diaper?? I asked. The response "I'll figure it out." Huh. So I quickly said - tabs in back / design up front and hoped I wouldn't come home to Katherine wrapped in 5 diapers. :) I'm pleased to report, Katherine had one diaper on, was dressed in her PJs and put in the baby bag blanket. She was quite content. :) Success!!! I think Aunt Nikki might even be willing to babysit again!! :)
Saturday was the work Holiday Party for the kids. (Cookies, milk and pictures with Santa) Of course we went. It was Katherine's first time seeing the big guy. We stood in line for about 20 minutes and during that time I explained to Katherine what was going to happen and who this Santa guy was. We arrived at the front of the line, removed the bib (that was protecting her clothes from the ginormous volumes of drool that she has) and put her on Santa's lap. She wasn't sure of the whole thing. Who is this guy? Why is he ho ho ho-ing? And the flashes... The paparazzi follows me everywhere!!! We bought one picture... that was enough ($10)... We have no idea what the picture looks like as we had to buy before we could see. A little odd, but alas, that's what ya gotta do apparently. We're still learning all these rules.
She had another visit with Santa on Wednesday of this week when he came to visit her at school. Ok. So he was there to see all of the children, but Katherine thinks it’s because they bonded. She even gave a bit of a smile this time – and what appears to be a tug of the beard. OH MY. We’ll need to work on that. I think we’ll stay away from mall Santas’ this year just in case!!!
Sunday was family picture day back at Portrait Innovations. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE their pictures? I do not love their waits. Especially when you have a cranky husband and baby. Baby was less cranky than husband. Eek. To start with pictures are not a favorite past time for him... let alone waiting for them. Even he was pleased with the results though! As a note to everyone… we were using photos from Sunday for our holiday cards. The cards are ordered. I hope to have a quick turn around once I get them… Translation?! Your card is going to be delivered pretty close to Christmas. Like say, Christmas Eve. And if you’re in FL it may be hand delivered. :P
We spent lots of time on Sunday getting the house ready for our holiday party. Stephen worked on the outside lights… I worked on the inside things. I decided that the live tree in the family room needed some re-doing. It had tinsel. For the last 9 years we’ve had tinsel on our Christmas trees because I was never allowed to have it growing up. Mom claimed it made too much of a mess. Ok. So I’ll give her that one. It does. And after I looked at the first set of pictures I took of the tree, it also looked like the tree was from 1932. So I decided to fix that. I took off all of the tinsel. Each strand. Plucked off of the tree. Yes, it took some time. But it looks much better.
Another thing we learned or realized this weekend is our parents fibbed a bit to us about real trees… Mom always said “they make too much of a mess with all those needles!” We will only have fake trees so we don’t have that mess… I’d like to officially disagree with that statement. The fake trees made more of a mess putting them up than the real tree did. Seriously. So much so that we discussed not having any fake trees next year. They’re just too much of a mess. Not to mention they hurt. I have all these little cuts on my hands and arms. And your hands hurt after you spend a while trying to make the fake tree look real and “fill in” the holes. There’s only so much you can do. With a real one you can always say “That’s part of its character!!!” A fake one with holes… your cheap (the tree not the person)! :P
Katherine tried peaches and squash this week. She digs both. The peaches are a HUGE hit. Go figure!! My little southern girl. The day she counts one, two, ernhart, four – I will cry. And not for sentimental reasons, I assure you. And when six comes out sex (because that’s how they say it in the south) again, tears will flow. *sigh* We need to hope our Northern “accents” rub off.
Katherine watched her first Christmas movie. It’s called “The Year Without a Santa Claus”. I know what you’re thinking. Was that really the first logical pick for her first holiday movie. I wasn’t thinking that way when we watched it. I’d never seen it before. (I know I know.. it’s a holiday classic, yes clearly I’ve been living under a rock… go ahead… mock me.) Honest to goodness I’d never heard of the Mizer brothers. I needed to get caught up since the sequel is on this weekend. (The sequel will be on Saturday night at 8pm for those that are interested as for the channel… no idea. .. Wikipedia has the network I think if you search for The Year Without a Santa Claus. That’s where I had to go to read the plot!) Katherine’s favorite character was Mrs Claus. She liked the song Mrs Claus sang about being Santa.
On our way to FL in a few weeks we will ensure we have the rest of the holiday DVDs in the car so we can catch her up. It’s a 10 hour drive afterall… We can do some serious holiday learnin’ in that time frame. By the way… pray for us. It’s going to be a long ride!!! Eeek
Pictures from the week: http://picasaweb.google.com/daleksza/FirstVisitWithSanta#
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