Wednesday, July 7, 2010

She's 2

To "borrow" from a friend & fellow mommy blogger... For as quiet as this blog has been, our house, not so much so - for a variety of reasons.

For one thing, Katherine turned two. I don't know what switch was engaged at the ripe age of two but surely there was one. For starters the girl chats. Non-stop. 20% of the time I have no idea what she's saying. 50% of the time she's yelling MOMMMMMMYYYYYY, DADDDDDDYYYYYYY combined with some other directive. And I do mean directive. The other 30% of the time we're singing. The same songs. Over. And over again. What's in our playlist?

1. "whoa whoa" = Row Row Row your Boat (both versus please... If you fall short of verse two she'll let you know.)
2. "pepot" = I'm a little teapot (We have two handles... no spout. We're working on this.)
3. ABCeees = Need you ask? She's very proud of herself at the end.
4. dumdops = If all the Raindrops (We have some preemptive AHHH AHHH AHHH AHHH.)
5. issybissy = Itsy Bitsy Spider (Girl ROCKS some Itsy Bitsy - I say she might be up for an award for her choreography.)

I'm sure there are others I'm missing but these are the constants. Over. And Over. And over again. Daddy instituted one rule about singing: no singing at the dinner table. Alas, that's our only reprieve time. Of course it doesn't stop her from trying - but the answer is a consistent no.

The phone is a source of fascination for our little Muppet (thanks Aunt RoRo for the nickname... It stuck!) On her second birthday she made her first series of calls. She was on the phone for *easily* 35 minutes. We called a lot of people. Most went to voice mail and she learned to "wait for the beep". One person that actually answered the phone was to her Pop. The conversation went on for about 20 minutes. I don't think Pop understood but 3 words she said, but she talked. A lot. (I attempted to translate but she kept waving me off. Seriously?! Already?!) Since then I think we've called everyone. At least twice. We rotate through. One night she called Aunt RoRo and had the phone wedged between her head and shoulder and had her cup of milk, with straw in her hand taking a drink. This is a moment that Stephen & I were in tears laughing. And during which we ask... Where did she learn that?!?! We are rarely on the phone! I guess some things are just girl-natural?

Katherine's 2nd birthday was quite fun. We had a little family celebration on her actual birthday with an Elmo theme. (I use the word "theme" loosely... that entails elmo plates and napkins) For her 2nd birthday party complete with two friends and many adoring adults, the theme was Backyardigans. Did you know they make 3.5' balloons of Ty and Uniqua? I do. =P She loved them. Balloons are amazing things in her eyes. And we don't need any fancy balloons. Dollar store balloons we've found stay for days and days and the best part - They're a dollar! Woowoo!!! Needless to say another year where the girl cleaned up in the present department. I have no idea where so many presents came from. And she didn't even get any from us!! She still hasn't gotten a birthday present from us. (Settle down people, we have one - she just hasn't received it yet with all of the other stuff she got. I'm holding out for when she is "looking" for something new to play with!)

Throw a Mother's Day & Father's Day in the last two months and it's been a busy time. =)

Katherine also started at a new school this week. We finally made it into the Primrose family. One year on the waiting list and we've arrived. Whew!!! Her teachers are all very sweet (Ms. Pitts, Ms Brittany and Ms Robbin). She had fun during our pre-enrollment visits but apparently it's a lil bit different when I'm not there playing with her. Drop off on day 1 was a little rocky. Pick up was rockier. Day 2 drop off was pretty easy and pick up was ugly. We had a complete melt down when I arrived. Oh the drama this lil one can whip out. OOHHHHH MOMMMMMMYYYY complete with facial expressions, tears and throwing herself on me clutching my neck. Really?! Another - where does she learn that?! Generally it takes her two weeks of adjustment time before she starts to settle into the new class/routine. At least that's what we've seen with her last 3 moves to new classrooms at the old school. This time that will be just enough time to settle in before she's out for 9 days on vacation. I foresee another adjustment period in early August. =)

I decided to write this update sans pictures. I'll be honest it's the pictures that have kept me from posting for the last couple of months. First I lost the camera, then I found it and took pictures, lost the blessed thing again and now I've had it consistently but it's never where I am when I *think* I'm ready to write a blog posting. The pictures take a while to post too. So, instead of making you wait for a Katherine story update - I decided to post and tell you - You'll get the pictures later. When later? dunno. I have a two year old tearin up the place. =P
