Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Pickin 2009

Last year pumpkin picking was a cold event… This year, we were dressed for cold weather and it was 80. We were melting.

Last year Katherine was okay with the pumpkins, but wasn’t so hot at the sitting up by herself thing (awww how little & cute!!!)… This year, she was terrified by the pumpkins.

Last year we picked Katherine’s pumpkin for her… This year, she picked her own. YAY!!!

It was lots of fun. Once we got past the whole, I hate the pumpkins Mommy and then the I want ALL of the pumpkins Mommy. Yes, yes, our girl has a fickle mind. Mommy’s girl.

I also learned that tattoos don't come off the way I (thought) they came off. Ya see I had a brilliant idea of putting a tattoo on Katherine's cheek during the JDRF Fall Festival. She had the other cheek all painted up. She looked quite cute (of course). Then as the day went on (post nap) and her former ghost was really a blob of black and orange I realized it wasn't going to just come off on it's own. I had my own tattoo on my hand and began the experiment of trying to take it off. I swear I had to use what amounted to a brillo pad to get it off. Don't worry folks I wasn't up for Mom of the Year nomination #5 this week so I didn't try that on Katherine. Stephen suggested rubbing alcohol - which I tried, and it did nothing. I happened to post on Facebook that I thought the tattoo would NEVER go away and my dear friends came to the rescue. For those that don't know: Baby Oil. Miracle stuff. The blog of what formerly resembled a ghost came right off.

Today we received another note home from school. The biter strikes again. The difference is this time we didn't get two notes - No one scratched her face first. Mr Andrew & Daddy still believe she was provoked. Angel Katherine biting someone for no reason whatsoever? Couldn't possibly be so. What Katherine doesn't know is that a new discipline item arrived today: Time Out Pad. Get ready Katherine. Get ready. (Please note, I didn't purchase from this site for the other Mom's out there. I bought it from my favorite mommy shopping website: I believe I have a small addiction.)

Some pictures from the JDRF Fall Festival (FUNd-raiser), our day of pumpkin picking & a few from last weekends’s fall run in Katherine's new baby blanket bag. =)

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K's First Vacation

After months of planning, discussions and what felt like months of packing... Finally: Family Vacation!!! Wahoo!!!!

We started the trip south on the 9th. Our first stop was to drop Nugget off at Tootsie & Pop's house. Stephen and I were headed to St Petersburg for the wedding of our friends, Jennifer & Kevin. We work with both of them and were excited to be sharing their special day with them. And Tootsie & Pop were excited to have some Katherine time, sans parents. (We're the stick in the drain's to the Grandparents... rules, rules, rules. BAH they say.) From the pictures, it looks like Katherine had quite a good time. In one picture Pop texted that Katherine was eating a little of this and a little of that. I think she had mac & cheese, doritoes, olives… no idea what was on the tray, but she was happy as could be! And of course, as we expected to occur, none of the behavior issues we experience were experienced by the Rents. Ohhhh no, she didn’t pitch a fit getting into her car seat. Nope. Ohhhh no, she didn’t have a hissy fit when we put her in the stroller. Ohhhh no, she didn’t toss her food at us. Of course not. Why would she do those things?

The wedding was beautiful and we had a great time with our friends. Including our special date at Casa Finnegan. Mrs. Finnegan is quite the chef. =)

Sunday we headed back to Spring Hill to pick up Nugget, the Rents and head to Orlando. Katherine was napping when we got there… My fingers were itching to pick her up!!! Aaaahhhh FINALLY, she woke up and we got some good snuggles in. I think she missed us. She ran to Daddy and gave him hugs & kisses too. I was relieved that she wasn't totally ticked off at me. Whew.

Monday *first full day of family vacation* we were confined to the hotel room for the day as Katherine had a rash all over her face, arms & legs. We didn’t know what the rash was and our pediatrician’s office in NC said it’s about impossible to diagnose a rash via phone so we needed to find a pediatrician in Orlando to see her. She had 102 fever and this rash… EEEEEKKKKK what’s wrong with my baby??? There were no pediatricians in Orlando that would see us. Apparently in peak flu season they can barely see their own patients, so they aren’t about to take a tourist. *growl* So we waited until 5pm when the Pediatric Urgent Care opened. Who knew there was such a thing?! I for one am grateful. Our only other option would have been the Emergency Room and that’s more frightening than Urgent Care. We arrived at the Urgent Care office at around 4:45 and Stephen stood outside in line with the other parents who were waiting, with their children, to get in. Yes, a line outside waiting. Katherine and I stayed in the air conditioned car. (Thanks Daddy/Stephen!!! You ROCK!)

We were fortunate enough to be the second group to be seen because my husband *superstar* printed the pre-filled registration forms so we were checked right in! The double board certified physician (no Physician Assistants there!) queried me about the last 72 hours… what has she had eat, what did she do? Anything different from the ordinary? What has she come in contact with? Questions Questions Questions… Most of which I didn’t know the answers. The MD didn’t quite understand why I didn’t know the answers and I felt her saying “what kind of mother are you that you don’t know what’s going on with your child.” Another nomination for Mom of the Year. Next time Katherine spends time away from us we’ll have a little form, like the one we get in daycare, so I will know the answers. =)

So what did we find out? She *thinks* it was some kind of allergic reaction. To what? Not sure. She thought it might be limes, but Katherine didn’t have anything with lime that would have caused it. So she gave us instructions to give her Benedryl every four hours for at least 5 days. So we did. I initially thought – Yikes, Katherine’s going to sleep her way through vacation. Not so much. Benedryl does not make our girl sleepy. At all. Which was good – at least she got to experience vacation! =)

Tuesday we went to Sea World and Katherine saw the Sea Lions. She dug the show. Got soooo excited when the sea lions came out and started “doing their thing”. She did wilt a bit in the heat though. It was satan hot so we had to find some ways to cool her off. She went through misters and Stephen even found an air-conditioned baby/child care center that she was able to play & cool off in for a while. She had lunch in there and was happy as could be… until she returned to the heat again. Wilt. She is her parent’s daughter.

Wednesday was the day Aunt Nikki arrived! Yay!!!! It was a designated pool day. Katherine loved the baby pool. She did pretty well! One nose dive in and one time where she thought she could walk clear off the little baby ledge, but otherwise, good times!! Aunt Nikki & Pop had pool side naps. We’ll leave it at that. Hehe

Thursday we went back to Sea World, this time with the intent to see the Shamoo show! Another show that Katherine L-O-V-E-D. Mommy’s girl! Luvin her big fish!! I’ll make a dolphin lover out of her yet!! She did snack her whole way through the show and went from lap to lap to watch, but all in all she did great... Until we went to the fake Cirque show. Then she flipped. Seriously, flipped. She started beating me up. I’m not ashamed (okay, maybe I am a little bit) but my daughter beat me up. For real. She was beating me about the face and I couldn’t stop her. I tried holding her little hands and then she went for biting. The girl was TICKED OFF!!! She wanted to run around – and it was pouring rain outside. Running around – not so much. That would have been for nomination #3 for Mom of the Year in two weeks. Eventually the show ended and Stephen came out and took the abuser away from me. She and I weren’t speaking for a good hour. Then she kissed me and I was better. I didn’t forget the beating, but who doesn’t love little Katherine kisses? For real. They’re A-W-E-S-O-M-E.

Thursday evening we went to TuTu Tango for dinner. One word: Sangria. Sangria. Sangria. Moy yummy-o. I believe the meal was pretty good. I don’t recall much about the actual dinner. The dessert I do recall was AMAZING. I am not sure where the chocolate calzone went though. I think it found it’s way to the Nicole-belly before the over-served ones (Tootsie & I) realized it. Curious Nikki... Curious.

Friday… Big day. Aunt Jacki drove to Orlando to meet the family and we went for family pictures. Note to self, never schedule pictures for the family in the morning… Next time, look at a timeframe after 2pm. (Need to allow time for lunch before or else the crew will be less than pleased.) The pictures came out great and I’m really glad we did them. It was our first family picture!! Yay!!!

Friday post pictures we went shopping at the Orlando outlets. O-M-G. I LOVE IT THERE. My two favorite stores: Coach & Victoria’s Secret. I had no idea there even was such a beast as a VS outlet. Nicole is to blame for the volume of purchases at VS. I had two things in my hand (that wouldn’t have totaled more than $10) THEN she told us that the sign that said “Up to 75% off” really meant “75% off”. Wooooohhhhhooooooooooo GET YA SHOP ON GIRLS!!! I did. It was great. I love it there. And for real, who doesn’t love a Coach outlet store? (and I had a 20% off coupon that was good for the outlets & clearance items… CHA-CHING!!!)

Saturday we were supposed to go to Aquatica (waterpark) but when we woke up and it was 50 degrees our plans had to change. We went to Downtown Disney instead. Katherine’s favorite place? Ghirardelli. Girl loooooooves her some chocolate & caramel. And chocolate & peanut butter. And well, just chocolate. Who could blame her really? The question I now have is will she become a chocolate snob since her first chocolate was Ghirardelli? Curious.

Sunday was the epic trip home. Katherine, apparently, was done sleeping at 3am. And we didn’t get to sleep until midnight so getting up at 3am… not so pleasing for the parents. She was unrelenting though – so we left. Begrudgingly. The good news is we were home by around 2pm and had unpacked, done all of the laundry & made a grocery list by 6pm. Not too shabby.

Tuesday was the first day back to work/school. Not fun I tell ya, not fun. We’re back into the daily routine now… Sort of. Katherine’s having some separation anxiety at school when I drop her off in the AM. We have a meltdown each morning where she clings desperately to my legs as I try to walk OR she won’t let go of me. I can completely let go and she’s holding on tight. One more week… Takes two weeks for her to settle back in. We can do it. We can do it. We can do it.

Development Advances? Katherine now clearly says uhoh, whoa and bye bye. She also signs (consistently) more, eat and drink. Something to be said for spending 10 days solid with your child. I’m not sure uhoh and whoa count in the 10 words Dr H said should be the goal for the 18 month appt but I’m going with it. And if it isn’t we’ll just say uhoh, bye bye.

Pictures a plenty…
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The Biter The Pincher & The Candlestick maker?

She doesn’t make candlesticks. But she does bite and pinch. Hard. I thought the biting and pinching was reserved just for Mommy, but apparently not. So it went something like this…

Pick Katherine up on a Thursday and as I walk through the door to my child lovingly running towards me (I love that part) the teacher says “She bit someone today. The notes in her cubby. You need to sign it.” OH MY! Really? My child bit someone? So I go to her cubby and I find there are actually TWO notes I need to sign. They read:

Time: 8:40am
Incident: Katherine and another child were playing with a toy and Katherine got scratched in the eye.
Care Provided: Ice and TLC

Time: 9:20am
Incident: Katherine bit another child once *scratched out* twice *scratched out* three times. She tried to bite a fourth time but we stopped her.
Care Provided: We explained to Katherine that biting is not nice.

Stephen’s response is GO KATHERINE!! You bit the kid who scratched you, right? Alas, we don’t know that. The teachers protect the accuser. Thankfully. I mean there could have been up to three other little papers like that in another Mom’s cubby that said “your child was bit today once *scratched out* twice….”

As for pinching, we haven’t gotten that report card yet, but seriously, the girl hurts. And she knows where it hurts the most, I’m convinced. She only pinches me in one place. As I’m holding her she pinches the flab under my arm. (Attractive, I know, but that’s where it is and I didn’t know of another way to explain it so you fully understand and appreciate the pain it inflicts. A LOT!)

In healthcare news… Katherine had her first ear infection..s… This time I get two phone calls from daycare. I was in a three hour meeting and my phone didn’t work where I was. I get out of the meeting and I have two calls from the Director of the daycare saying Katherine’s ears are draining, we’re wondering if she has tubes. Um. No. No tubes. Draining? Yes. Perhaps you should call her doctor and see if you need to take her in. Ok, I’m on my way.

Dr H was fortunately the on-call doc that day. We knew our Nugget had a high pain tolerance when we haven’t known (yet) that she’s getting a tooth. This takes the cake though. She had a double ear infection and in one ear, she had a punctured eardrum. Apparently the pressure built up so much that it popped and that’s what all the fluid was. Ok, so moving past the OMG she blew out her ear, and OMG that was ear juice… Dr H said take some antibiotics and all will be well in two days. She’ll need to take the meds for 10 days though. Had her ear not leaked fluid, we never would have known. She didn’t pull, grab, etc like everyone says kids do when they have an ear infection. Amazing. Nomination for Mom of the Year you say, for not knowing my child had double ear infections? Yes, yes. I accept.

Five days later we departed (well on our way to cured ear infections) for Florida for the Sands/Aleksza Family Vacation. Weeeee! Please see our next installment for events from that trip! =)