Friday marked our 15 month well baby visit for Katherine. Hard to believe it’s been 15 months that little girl has been here. And then there are moments when I don’t really remember life before her.
So first the stats:
Weight: 20lbs 12.5oz (20th percentile)
Length: 30” (30th percentile)
Head Circumference: 44.75cm (25th percentile)
What we did learn this time around is that she’s in the 50th percentile for length/weight ratio. Good news. That was a new statistic for us. We liked it.
Now, for the meat of the visit… Katherine’s doing great. She’s forever just a little bit behind the curve in some things and this time was no different. They asked if she was speaking two words and I proudly responded YES! Meeem (aka Mom) and Daaaaad (you can figure that one out). The nurse looked at me, and said – besides that?? Hm. Okay. Apple. And… Hippo?? Stephen didn’t buy the Hippo thing so we were left with one word. *sigh* Dr H said by the next visit she should be speaking around 10 words. Ten? Really? Oh girl you better get a move on!!!
We discussed some “behavior” challenges we’re having. You see, my darling little girl enjoys kicking me in the face as I change her diaper. Sometimes it’s in a fit of despair because she doesn’t want her diaper changed and other times I really do believe it’s because she’s trying to get me going. In those instances she laughs at me as she does it and when I correct her she kicks me again. Harder. I mention this to Dr H and he said (are you ready for this… skies open up and a bright light shines upon us… aaaaaahhhhh) “That’s non-negotiable. Lay her on the floor to change her diaper and use your legs to hold her down.” Huh. Mommy got one. Of course I tried this tactic and all it got me was a tangled bit of leg. Hers and mine. It stopped her from kicking me in the face only because she couldn’t reach it. It didn’t stop her from trying to escape. Drat.
The other “challenge” we shared is that Katherine isn’t a big fan of protein. Namely meat. I try. Really I do. I try to feed her the meat just as meat. No way. I try to mix it with something… say cheese sauce, no way. I try to just straight up beg… nutah. She likes carbs. (Really, as her parents… we’re not surprised.) Dr H said this is normal. Milk, cheese, yogurt, fruits… all normally the foods of choice. Just keep trying to serve a variety. I’ll tell ya, lately I’ve been pretty impressed with my Katherine cuisine. She has a new fancy “plate” with dividers. One holds her cup, another her veggie, another either a starch or fruit and then the main section her “entrĂ©e”. Tonight it was all natural chicken fingers, peas & mac & cheese. Guess what she ate. *sigh* I’ve been giving her peas every night. I’m thinking eventually she’ll eat them, right? The other night I tried mixing them with the mac & cheese. Little bugger picked them out!!! (Alright, I’ll admit there was a moment or two that I was proud… but really, there’s gotta be a Grandpop or Daddy pea lovin’ gene in there SOMEWHERE!!!)
We asked about introducing peanut butter… Dr H said “go for it”. So we did. It was a hit. Katherine was trying to suck the peanut butter off the bread… Apparently bread is merely a delivery vehicle for the peanut butter. Jelly is superfluous.
Katherine had two shots, of which she took like a champ. I had a moment of panic when, for the first time, as she got a shot she was bleeding. And I don’t mean a little droplet. I mean it got on Dr H’s hand… but I pulled it together for the sake of the little one and held her tight and within 15 seconds she’d stopped crying and was smiling. Champ I say… Champ.
We are actively preparing for a vacation in Florida!! A family vacation! Woohooooo!!! Our first! We are going to Orlando for the event. Tootsie, Pop, Aunt Jacki and Aunt Nikki will be joining us. Aunt Nikki is flying home from Iraq in two more days!! YAY!!!! Auntie Sofi will still be in Afghanistan so she won’t be able to join us – we’ll miss you! =( We’re hoping Tio can make it, too!!
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