I seem to be quite behind in blogging. I was looking at my last post and it was two weeks ago, but then I read what it was about and realize that was really three weeks ago. Oops. I’m not sure I can remember that far back?
Three weeks… I find myself in a Winnie the Pooh pose of “think think think…” Let’s see… Start off with memorable events!
We celebrated Stephen’s birthday on April 7th. Daddy chose not to open his presents in the morning (first time in history) in favor of waiting till Katherine could sit and open them with him. I know. I felt his head. He didn’t seem fever-ish. Stephen had his pick for dinner. Eat home, eat out – whatever he wanted. He chose Thai. I DID say ANYTHING he wanted. I know I’ll get myself in trouble for this – but really, it wasn’t so bad! I had pineapple chicken rice. Pretty yummy actually. And we shared some kind of chicken with peanut sauce for an appetizer. I know. You’re stunned. Quite frankly, so was I! Now don’t get ahead of yourself and think we’re making this one of our recurring restaurants. It was good – but don’t push it.
For dessert we had Stephen’s favorite – Strawberry Shortcake with whipped cream frosting. Katherine was a fan of the whipped cream and the cake. The strawberries she could have done without. The mess, I could have done without. :P
RC Easter Weekend my cousin Cheryl and her boyfriend Jay came to visit. We spent RC Easter morning with them. It was so great to spend time with them. And Katherine was in love with Jay. Little flirt. Katherine got dressed up in her first Easter finest and we all went out for Brunch. Well for Katherine it was her 2nd meal of the day. Fortunately she was far from the only child in the restaurant and the cheerios on the floor were kept to a minimum.
Last week seems like it was very busy. Doing what I’m not quite sure. I know we had one trip to urgent care, a painful trip to the pharmacy thereafter and multiple days/nights of me being unable to breathe. Curse the pollen! Yellow slimy stuff!!! Made for some sleepless nights and exhausting days. We’ll blame that on the reason I don’t remember the week.
I do recall our weekend events, with some clarity! Saturday Katherine and I went with our friend Meredith to a 5k Run/Walk. Okay – so when I signed up I thought – 5k… Hm. I haven’t done 3 miles in oh… 18 months. Maybe I sign up for the one mile. So I did. When we arrived however, I somehow found myself doing the 5k. With a stroller. And a Katherine. I wouldn’t have felt so bad about my time had there not been this man who really RAN the 5k and did so with a stroller built for 3. Yes. THREE!!!! The kids ages must have ranged from 2-5. Seriously, the man was a rock star. I thought for sure the stroller built for three was there to cheer someone on. Until he strapped up. Stroller attached to wrist he headed up and down the hills of the course. And I say hills when really I mean small mountains. The whole course I was thinking, I thought this was a catholic school? What SATIST picked this course? I tried to take a picture of the man with the stroller built for three, but clearly my camera was in awe too because it didn’t SAVE the picture. I’m pretty sure he completed the 5k in less than 30 minutes. Disgusting I tell ya. Disgusting. We won’t discuss my time. But I’m holding the stroller and mini mountains responsible for it. What? I ran with a GRACO! Come on – give me SOME points for that!!
I really thought Katherine would nap as I ran but she only slept for about 15 minutes. She was too busy waving to people as we ran past them…. Okay, some of the time they were running past us – but you get the point. Little Miss Social needed to be able to wave to her people.
Sunday was OC Easter Sunday. What a great day! I still wasn’t breathing all that well. (Yes, I know running while being unable to breathe wasn’t my finest display of intelligence, but it was for a good cause – Pediatric Diabetes.) Stephen made delicious waffles for breakfast. Even Katherine ate them! Katherine was clearly quite tired from her run the previous day so she napped quite a bit. At one point little girl was so tired she crawled over to her car seat and stuck her pacifier in her mouth and laid down. I was able to keep her up long enough to take her outside and play with bubbles. She’s not sure what to make of them. She also didn’t know what to make of the sidewalk or grass. She was barefoot and trying to walk. She’d pick up her foot then go to set it back down again and lift it right back up as if to say WHOA, that’s not carpet! Apparently eating the grass is okay – but walking on it – the jury is still out on that one. Dinner was excellent. Ham, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, bread and green beans. There may have been some other things on the table, but they stayed by Stephen. (i.e. beets and horseradish mixed together… There was no need for him to share THAT.)
This week was another trip back to the doctors for me and a new round of medications which, thankfully, appear to be helping. I can actually get through the day without using my rescue inhaler every 4 hours.
Now that I can breathe (better) Katherine and I are going to head out tomorrow for a run with Miss Merry and our new Schwinn Jogging Stroller.