No fancy title. I couldn't think of one. They can't all be creative, right? :)
Today was back to work again. My hours on Monday are typically 9 - 1 but today they got jumbled up a little bit. I worked until noon and then again from 1-3. There was a client call I needed to be on so I had to adjust the schedule a little bit. Nugget was great, as usual. There have only been two instances since I went back to work part time where she's started screaming, literally two minutes before I need to get on the phone for a call. Ug. Fortunately I've been able to calm her down both times, enough that I could get on the call. Of course it's meant keeping her on my lap, while she sleeps for an hour or more, but she's quiet!!! And I get to cuddle some! :)
Today we took some more pictures. I realized that more than a week went by that I didn't take any pictures so I needed to hop to and get some more taken. The last couple of days we've been experimenting with bows so that's brought on a whole new array of photo opportunities.
The little changes I've seen from day to day or week to week are so neat. Yesterday I was thinking about how when we first brought her home from the hospital she reallly didn't like laying on her back. It was the evilest of evil. Now, that's one of her favorite positions. In fact sometimes when I'm holding her she just wants to be laying down with me looking/playing with her versus being held. Heaven forbid you look away though. No ma'am. Not okay with that. She wants your undivided attention.
Tonight we went out for dinner with Lolly, Patrick and Marie. I had a really nice time. It's been a while since we've all been out together. Lolly closed on her new house today. YAY!!!!
Oh, and the footprint I took yesterday of Katherine using Crayola modeling clay turned out pretty good!!! Tonight I wrote the date and what not on it so we could save it. I bought some more modeling clay so we can continue to take foot and hand prints as she grows. And it's a cheap way to do it! The little boxes you get for baby foot/hand prints are $15 - $20 for one set. I bought a box with 6 packages for $6. Woohoo!!!!